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When setting up a new power user profile, I want the PU to only be able to enroll in courses (eLearning and ILT) and Learning Plans. I can easily select a custom Enroll Users permission for the area of ILT Sessions but don’t have that option for the areas of Courses and Learning Plans. Any ideas?

Hi @Susan Powell that should be under the “Enrolment” permissions if I understand you correctly.

@lrnlab , it works for ILTs and LPs but not elearning. ???

Did you add the “Can activate enrolments” option? Also check that the role can at the very least “view” courses. It’s hard to tell without seeing your set-up, sorry.

That was it! Thank you soooo much!

Super...not sure if that was the new setting that was just updated but this option is now required to allow PU’s to manage enrolments.

