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Notifications for outstanding courses for multiple Courses


We currently have 3 compliance courses that need to be completed within the business. There is no deadline set for these courses but they are mandatory. Is it possible to have a notification created that will be sent to any user who hasn’t completed these courses all in one email? I have seen there is an option for outstanding course but it seems to generate a separate email for each course. Ideally I would want any outstanding course (From the 3 compliance courses) to be included on the email and only sent to the users who have any of the 3 courses outstanding. 

Hope this makes sense!


4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

You can use the notification type “Digest: Learner has yet to complete course”.  This notification has a short code that will list all the courses a user has not completed on it (listing the courses assigned to the notification).

Here is the knowledge article that talks about this notification:

Userlevel 1

@Annarose.Peterson Hi, This worked perfectly. Thank You!

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

We also used ‘Digest: Learner has yet to complete’ notification for some courses but opted not to use it anymore. Be mindful of the schedule as it will continuously send a reminder to learners until they complete the course. There are learners who do want to receive reminder notifications especially if the course does not have a due date set.

Userlevel 1

@jlreonal Yes I did think about the schedule so I have set this to ‘Manual’ so I can just choose myself when to trigger. As I am just using this for compliance courses only ideally all users need to complete the courses ASAP - Hopefully the notifications will annoy them enough that they do the course! 
