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Is it possible to have an assignment that is optional for the learner? I only see the ability to choose the Learner Policy. 

Here is the scenario we would like to enact - Learner has the option of submitting a draft of their final presentation that will be reviewed by instructor and provided feedback. 

There is no direct  way to make a learning object optional however if you have several objects in a course, you can make one of them the “end object marker” which is the thing that would (when passed) mark the course as completed.

The assignment allows the user to submit a document and the evaluator can mark it as failed and reject it to allow the user to resubmit an update version as needed.


Thanks for your wisdom @lrnlab! Could you recommend a work around we could use to allow learners to upload something without using the Assignments learning object?

The only alternative I can think of is adding the File Repository widget to the course. 

you could but that could also get very messy and hard to manage since it’s not necessarily tied to a user. Assignments are the most direct way to exchange documents.

If you want to go less formal, and you have Coach & Share, you could create a channel and have the share documents there.
