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Outlook Calendar/Connect Integration

  • 19 October 2022
  • 1 reply

We’ve integrated our Office 365 calendaring system into Docebo via Connect.  Though there are some issues with message content (there is none) and links to meetings overall we’ve got it working in a way that allows us to leverage the calendar.

Having said that, we are now encountering an issue where when we schedule flexible/hybrid sessions (where % participants are onsite in a classroom and % are online via MS Teams meeting) the ability to join the Teams meeting via the classroom technology is not available.

Our challenge is that our classrooms are all reserved through O365 where a classroom is selected via the location selector.  We can include a Teams meeting link as part of that calendar invite/room reservation process that is then accessible in the classroom through a Polycom panel connected to the O365 reservation. The join button for the meeting is not available on the panel.

Has anyone encountered this issue (with any technology product) and if so were you able to resolve it?


1 reply

We also need to integrate of our company Outlook calendar with Docebo - is there a best practice on how to do this?

