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Hi all, 

I’m helping with a training and at the end the group has to sign a company policy. I’m not sure of the best way to capture this acknowledgement as I don’t see a training material that seems to work for this. Any ideas? Am I missing something?


@dandrews There are a couple of approaches you can take.

  1. Use a file training material at the beginning of the course to outline the policy and agreement. Then, put it as a prerequisite to the course. When they complete the course, that signals their agreement to the policy.
  2. Use a survey that asks them to enter identifying information, like a name, employee number, etc. The final question is a “do you agree” y/n question. You can track their replies with a training material report.

We have used both types of “read & sign” in our platforms. They seem to work well.


KMallette/Viasat, Inc.


@KMallette Thank you! I’ll look into these. May have some more questions for you 😄

@dandrews  Happy to help any way I can. Feel free to DM me.



@dandrews - @KMallette is awesome and will get you going in a strong direction.

If you want to - look at some of the SCORM and authoring tools. It will give you that extra punch and make for a clean interface.

There are ALOT of pay for models, but a favorite freebie is

Like KM - if you DM me? I can share with you a read and sign model….easy peazy.

We have done the same as @dklinger , with using a SCORM at the end of the core to capture the acknowledgement.  We set pre-requisites so the learner has to go through everything in the course before the acknowledgment SCORM is accessible.   Once they complete the acknowledgement, the course marks as complete. 

I think I’m gonna go with option 2 from @KMallette - thank you!

@dandrews - good luck - enjoy - and share your outcome!

I think I’m gonna go with option 2 from @KMallette - thank you!

Not sure of the level needed, but make sure the reporting out/info/questions asked are good enough for whatever compliance group may or may not be asking for it. If its just proof they did it all good, but if theres any regulations or such, sometimes those types of solves are not good enough for them, cover yourself :)

Thanks @Bfarkas - This is just an interal policy for a program we do but I’ll work closely with our Legal team. Definitely want to cover myself!

Thanks @Bfarkas - This is just an interal policy for a program we do but I’ll work closely with our Legal team. Definitely want to cover myself!

Sounds good, and wanted it to be there for others who might come along down the road. When it comes to electronic proof of completion, have seen so many just do a simple check box thing that doesn’t meet actual needs of proof.

Has anyone been able to create a survey with just one choice: I acknowledge?

In case someone else is looking for an answer on this. I was able to get this to work almost the way we wanted in a test by using an association question type and making A and B elements both I acknowledge. Then they are choosing the one option from a drop down so it’s not perfect but it worked. This also showed they picked I acknowledge in my report. 


