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Is there a way to create a Power User profile that allows a power user to create course reports without allowing them to also edit the assigned course? 

Hi @tjh2 yes, you should be able to provide “View” access only to courses and the reports should work properly for your PU’s

I would echo this - you’d generally have view for pretty much everything they need permissions to see and report on, then likely view and edit for the reports. Here is a screenshot of a common reporting profile that I use with customers. You may not use all the same features so some of this may not pertain to you. 


Thanks Jamie, 


That’s what I was looking for. I was told previously that there wasn’t a way to separate a power user’s ability to edit course reports from their ability to edit the course they’re assigned.  

This helps because now I know I can customize power user permissions to view courses but also view/edit reports. 

Thanks again! 

