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Power user unable to add training material for E-Learning course

Hello Everyone, 


I recently observed that my power user has full access to Course management - with rights to create view edit and delete the courses.

While creating an E-learning course the PU is unable to add training material? 

They can add the Training material in ILT courses though

Anyone faced similar issue and can guide me what I need to change in their access so that they can create an e-learning course.




2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

sounds odd...if they can create and edit courses, they should be add training materials. There are no specific permissions for training materials…

A quick and goo d measure to take is to log out completely, reset your browser, clear cache etc and try it again. If you can recreate the issue, I would recommend you open a ticket with support

Userlevel 7

@Amikotak Hi! Thank you for bringing this question to the community. @lrnlab is correct that this is not expected behavior, as the Course / Edit permission specifically enables the ability to create and edit training materials (as detailed in this article from our knowledge base). I would also suggest opening a ticket with our support team if this behavior persists.
