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Hi, is there a way that a power user can create subcategories folders that he has access to and where he can create courses in? 

Thank you for letting me know :)


Power Users can create new catalogs and folders using the permissions detailed below. I do not see a setting to provide them with the ability to create categories though. 

Central repository / Manage folders

Can create subfolders within the folders assigned to them as resources

  • When you assign this permission to a Power User profile, the profile automatically inherits the Central Repository / View permission
  • When Power Users with this permission create a folder, it is automatically assigned to them as a resource.
  • This permission allows Power Users to edit, delete and move the subfolders within the assigned folders.
  • This permission does NOT allow Power Users to edit the parent folders of the folder they manage nor to move subfolders to the parent folder unless those folders are assigned to them as resources.
Course catalogs / Create Can add new catalogs  
Course catalogs / Edit Can edit all assigned catalogs This permission is needed, along with the permissions Courses / ViewCourses / Edit, and Course Catalogs / View, to allow Power Users to assign courses to catalogs. Power Users will be able to assign only the resources they have visibility on.
