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PowerAutomate Webhook | ILT Session update issue

  • 21 November 2023
  • 3 replies

I am implementing ILT webhooks to my organization, and I have difficulties with session update.
I am using Power Automate, once a user is enrolled to a session > he gets an "invitation" (send by power automate). Then, they need to approve / decline.

When a user approved > he receives a CALENDAR invitation.
The problem is when I change the start time or date, it doesn't recognize the change.


I believe that first event is a special one for using Connect, I am just using the second one currently to do this.

When you say they receive an invitiation through power automate, please describe that invitation. Is it just an email with an ics file, is it a calendar invite from say a shared calendar where the person is an invitee? Something else?

When the webhook triggers, you would need to capture, track, and identify the situation of ‘the times have changed’ and update the calendar invite(how I hope you are handling this) which should trigger the update on the calendar to the invites. If you are using something like an ICS, you would have to send a new one and the end user would need to remove the old and add the new.

Hi and thanks for the fast reply!

Its an actual shared calendar.

I’d be happy if we can schedule a short meeting so I can better understand what you meant :)

Where are you from? what is your time zone?

Kindest Regards,


Good, so the webhook “ILT Session Changed” has to trigger a different power automate flow.

Using the session information in the webhook you would need to determine has the time changed, then find the current calendar invite on the shared calendar and update the correct information. 

Once the invite is updated, the users on it should be sent an event update notice. 

Couple things to think about,

it is sometimes useful to make a lookup table somehow (data verse or sharepoint if living in Office365) to keep track of current details about the sessions and things like the unique id of the calendar invite when it is created so you don’t have to find it later, but you don’t have to. 

If you are using the built in calendar connector to update the calendar, you usually have to include the things that exist already such as the users, otherwise it gets wiped out or dropped.

If you get curious and want to do advanced things like not show those invited to other users, you can use the office365 api directly through power automate to do this .

