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Hi everyone

As a provider of learning services for external customers, I will have to deal with many different branch codes. To avoid missing or incorrect entries in the customer's branch code, and thereby prevent incorrect or missing branch assignments, I would like to pre-fill the entry of the branch code during new registrations. I have read about solutions online that allow pre-filling through the link url, but I have not been able to manage it myself. However, this would be the best and easiest solution for me to implement. Has anyone successfully done this before?

Best regards

Not sure this is I can see is the option to allow users to pick a branch from a dropdown list...not perfect but it would avoid typos and in create the likelihood that the user would choose a proper branch,,?? 


thats not possible due to our privacy policy..Costumers should not see other costumer/branch names

Hi @GPSlife GPSlife - we ran into this and @lrnlab  note is the one that works - and to support the challenge with privacy - the field was not a drop down, but we use the one right above (ask for a branch code that must be entered manually by the user - the one above).

It became part of the registration instructions that are sent along to the learner for registration. because a branch name is a hard requirement, they should get it from your instructions. Now that does mean potentially many versions of instructions, but it will support privacy.

It is less than ideal, I get it - but we use it with externals - and it does seem to click with them.

I hope this helps.

And doers the moderated user registration work for you? or is that too much manual work?
