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I was just surprised by a user completing a learning plan they shouldn’t have had access to. Or so I thought.

I created a catalog that only contained the LP I want this branch to see.

I created a landing page for that specific branch that only showed that LP and nothing else.

I did not think of the fact that global search might show results outside of those restrictions, and a user found some content they really should not have had access to, completed the LP and is now expecting a certification, even though they aren’t technically eligible for it.

I am frustrated that you can’t customize global search for a page and they’ve done away with ideas, so I have no clue if it’s even on the roadmap.

Can anyone share what the best approach would be to restrict content for users in a specific branch?



I’ve never been a fan of the global search because of this. What we did was essentially turn it off. Go to your advanced settings, select Global Search on the left sidebar. Make sure the only thing selected is “My courses and learning plans”.We also move that selection to the 2nd position on the list. 

 I’ll then log in as a user that shouldn’t be seeing content outside of their role, search for that content and make sure they see no results. It works for us as we generally enroll people into the content they should have visibility to automatically, and those pieces do show up in a search for them.

It’s not elegant as it does basically turn search off, but it works for our use case.

Hi - if it helps - you can customize the search page to show no learning plans at this point. The downside is if you use that to get people to LPs in any other format? Then you can’t really take advantage of this approach (it is an all or nothing). This adjustment impacts the “drop down” results with the search bar as well.

@chadrobb4 @dklinger Thank you both! After pouring through the community posts I was afraid hiding the search was my only option. I’m afraid I’d have to rename all of the component courses of the LP as well to hide them from Search, I think the first option is likely best for now.

Gotcha. A quick CSS change can bring it back and you can gain back the function as needed. Good luck with your journey.
