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Pull User Groups

  • 9 March 2023
  • 1 reply


I’m attempting to use communities more often, so here we go! I’m looking for a way with the current UI to pull every group a user is a part of. While I know I can get this information in a way from API, I’m hoping this is something we can do without API as I need some of our admins, who aren’t tech savvy, to get this data as well. Am I missing something that natively supports this?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

From the platform, can only get a listing of folks who are in group, but not the other way around (listing all the groups a user is a part of). 

You can do this is either by pulling a Users report for one group at a time, or going into each group and from the users tab, click the download button.

