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Recording upload not working for ILTs in new course player

  • 7 March 2024
  • 4 replies

Is anybody else having this problem?  I can upload recordings if I switch back to the current course player page, but if I’m in preview mode for the new player page, once I pick a file to upload for an ILT recording it just spins and spins indefinitely and never does anything.  Highly frustrating as I’m trying to use the preview mode as much as possible to familiarize myself with all its features and issues before switching our organization over to it, but every time I do an ILT I have to switch back to the old version to upload the recording.

4 replies

Userlevel 3
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Anybody else having an issue with this?  This is the only thing stopping us from going ahead and updating all our learners to the new course player page.

Userlevel 3
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We have multiple monthly webinars, so I tested this again today.  Still no joy.  ILT recording uploads do not work in the new course player.

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

This is problematic have you heard from anyone @Docebo for aresponse from this? Have you contacted support? 

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

The issue seems to have been resolved and uploads now work, although so far the UI is still misleading; it shows no progress as an upload is occuring, and appears to be stalled, but if you wait long enough then suddenly it will be complete.
