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Our onboarding program for our professionals has several phases:

  1. Complete Learning Plan A
  2. Ride along with Mentor 2 weeks
  3. Complete Learning Plan B (enroll 2 weeks after completing Learning Plan A)
  4. 60 days after completing Learning Plan A they need to be enrolled in Learning Plan C

I keep telling myself there has got to be an easier way to automate this, but I’m stuck.

I can assign them to a group based on completion of a learning plan.

BUT to use the date they completed the learning plan I have to EXPORT a report out of Docebo, in order to Import it into a Custom User Field. (Seriously I have to take it OUT of the system in order to put it back IN the same system?)

Then the group condition is based on a set date and I have to change that date EVERYDAY manually.

Couldn’t there be a condition for X days After Date?


I think I can set up 2 certifications based on Learning Plan A, one that expires after 14 days and one that expires after 60.  But I don’t see how to create an auto-enroll or group based on certification expiration.  Once again I’m looking at manually exporting a report to import back into Docebo.

I also can’t figure out how to assign specific Notifications to specific certifications. The certification that expires after 2 weeks after completing Learning Plan A should have specific instructions.  The certification that expires after 60 days would have a different set of instructions included in the notification.  And annual certification is different all together.

Right now I’m looking at A LOT of manual manipulation, and we all know manual manipulation is just a setup for a fail.

We have very “special” learners that need spoon fed, expecting them to self-enroll even from a link in a notification won’t work. They need to be auto enrolled, and a series of pokes (notifications) set up to get them started (if they have not accessed the course after 3 days of being enrolled; if they have not accessed the course after 7 days of being enrolled; 14 days; 21 days; notifications also sent to their manager for personal follow-up (phone call).

Hi @tschoone sounds like you may need to look at more complex solutions such as API’s or Webhooks that could potentially manage some of the repetitive tasks for you… I am not an expert on either but now from out IT team that they are quite useful and co lots of interesting things… ( this link wont work needs your domain name should look like this: “”


Hope this helps...

Thank you!  I was afraid it would come down to APIs and webhooks, but I was really hoping it could be done someway I was overlooking.  This is tonight’s “light reading”. 
