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Release Readiness emails

  • 30 April 2024
  • 6 replies

Anyone else no longer receiving emails about Release Readiness events?  I can go on to the Community and see them to register from there but there’s no “Subscribe” option on the Events page like there is for the Product Updates page so that I get an email notification when they are posted.

I double-checked that our main admins are listed within the Learn platform to receive product-related emails but we have not been getting those emails.  

6 replies

I don’t receive emails any longer either and I’ve checked everywhere possible for subscribe options and every possible setting in our platform. Email is in platform to receive updates but alas no emails for some time now. I just get lucky and see it on the community page or my lovely co-workers let me know about it if they see it before I see it. (They no longer get the emails either)

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

that’s odd, I got mine for this week’s event...maybe @erin.brisson can help? or @elliott.vickrey 

Oh I would like to add that spam/junk folders have been check and rechecked and spam filter has been checked as well to make sure the emails haven’t been hiding there. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

that’s odd, I got mine for this week’s event...maybe @erin.brisson can help? or @elliott.vickrey 

I also just received mine. It would be nice to have some additional notice on when they will occur similar to the Docebo 2024 Release Schedule | Community.

Userlevel 4

Hi Everyone! Thank you for bringing this up. This issue is very top of mind right now. The next Release Readiness will be in the July timeframe and we should have everything worked out by then. We’ve noticed that we’ve been using some old lists and on the customer side, we’ve noticed that not everyone has the contact info filled out in their platforms. 

For those want want to make sure they receive information like this, please make sure your email address is listed here as a start.


In addition to this, we will make sure we use additional channels to get the word out early so you can sign up with time to plan. Thank you for your help in improving this process and drive even more engagement in the release webinars moving forward. 


I will add updates to this thread as we make improvements between now and the next webinar so keep watching over the coming weeks.

Userlevel 2

How can I sign up for these if with a third party?  I dont have the option in our advanced user section as a system administrator. @schauhan 
