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Hello community,

May I know how can I generate a report that can list down registered users that haven't been enrolled to any courses/LPs in the platform?

Our client has close to 500 courses in the platform. Quite troublesome for them to check who else in their registered users that haven’t been enrolled to courses/LPs. They are also looking at this report to check against their Power BI report as it doesn’t seem to tally.

Is there a way that we can generate such report, either directly from the platform or using API?

Thank you.

I’d also like to see a default report that could handle this job, as we have 700+ courses in our Docebo Learn platform. The default reports appear to reflect actual enrollments, not the absence of enrollments. 

There is no such can pull a list of all users and then compare it to your list of enrolees to generate a list of those not yet enrolled in any courses or LP. requires some basic excel skills only and perhaps a VLOOKUP function if you are comfortable with that.

So unfortunately, there’s not a simple way to do this. The closest I’ve come across is basically run a report of all current enrollments, run a report of all users (or in your case if Power BI has all the users already, just compare there) and do a compare for folks missing from the enrollment report. If doing manually I just do a unique value pull on the enrollment doc and then do a vlookup on the total user list to find users missing.

Now, the obvious issue of this is the manual and the largeness of the enrolled report. Over time that gets large….Since you are in the PowerBI world, you could setup some type of data source to do the compare, and just have the report be users enrolled in the past x days so you are only getting new enrolled to remove form the list of folks who are not enrolled, not simple but doable if really needed.

There is an API call that looks for users that are able to be enrolled in a specific course, they are those who are not currently enrolled and are eligible too, I know not exactly what you are asking for but could be a more useful technique.

@haziehalim What @Bfarkas says is true, though I wish there was a simple way to pull such a report. Have you considered submitting this as an idea? I imagine you’re not the only one who would show their support!

@haziehalim What @Bfarkas says is true, though I wish there was a simple way to pull such a report. Have you considered submitting this as an idea? I imagine you’re not the only one who would show their support!

I bet it would gather a lot of votes quickly! (I know I would vote for it)
