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Is there a way to run a report which shows who has completed a Learning Plan, together with what parts of the the learning plan they have completed? So far I’ve only been able to find a report which shows who has completed a specific and to what percent complete they are.

have you tried the report called, 

Users - Learning Plans

This report shows the progress details of the selected users, for each learning plan.

Hi @lrnlab thanks for your response, yep I’ve tried that and it only provides me with the overall % completion rates. What I’m being asked for is the overall completion rates, plus the % rates of each elements of the Learning Plan in the same report. 

I’m trying to find out if there is a way within the platform to run a report that would show me both without having to combine/run multiple reports. 

I’ve uploaded the type of thing I’m after which I was able to run of my previous companies platform. 

I’m also wondering if it is the type of thing that PowerBi could help with but I have no real knowledge of PowerBi.


Thanks again.

ok I see...just had a deeper look at the LP report and agree it doesn't show the actual course details…

Could you instead pull a users - courses report for only the courses in the LP and infer LP completion rates with a but of math/formulas? Not the greatest but at least it’s only 1 report…

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