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Does anyone know of a way to report on number of enrolments for courses in a certain category? 

I have a selection of courses in around 10 different category’s and I want to run a report to review enrolment/ uptake of each course. 

I can not see how to do this without having to select each course manually, which is not feasible. 


Depends on the report but the Session Statistics and the Users - ILT Sessions have an option to choose courses by category.


Thanks @lrnlab, the courses are all on-demand courses not ILT’s

you have the same option on the report called, Users -  Courses

@Lucy Dolphin did you ever find a solution for this? I also need this capability, as I have over the limit of courses for one report, but they are all in a single category. I don’t see the option that lrnlab mentioned above in the Users - Courses report. 

@kwatkinsinatl it’s on the Filter tab about ⅔ the way down...


These are my only options in the User - Courses report. 

Thanks @lrnlab - I have tried this however we had organised them into sub categories and you do not get the option to select these there, if I select the top category then it does not pull those courses in sub categories. 

I have recently re-orgnaised this and removed all sub categories. 

thanks @Lucy Dolphin Hmm, interesting...did not know that...we use categories but not extensively...this may be a good idea to post as well.


thanks @Lucy Dolphin Hmm, interesting...did not know that...we use categories but not extensively...this may be a good idea to post as well.

We desperately need sub-categories. I use category for PWBI aggregate analytics. If I want to run one report with a few categories, I can only select one at a time. It’s SUPER painful, and makes using category reporting impossible since I can’t select a sub-hierarchy.

voted up thx @Lucy Dolphin 
