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Repurchasing Courses

  • 3 November 2021
  • 2 replies

We are looking for ideas on how to handle repurchasing courses. 

Here’s our specific scenario: Our exams are set to allow two attempts within a time range. If a user fails both attempts, they have to repurchase the exam. We need to retain record of their previous enrollment and attempts, so our workaround is to create an external training record first, then unenroll them from the exam. They can then repurchase the course and re-enroll, and we reset their attempts data and enrollment status. 

Does anyone have similar issues? Any easier workarounds?

Hi @jsmith4989 this is a bit of challenge at the moment however Docebo is supposed to come out with the ability to track multiple completions for a course soon so that might also include tracking for that in the next couple quarters to come…

That said, you could create a ‘remediation’ version of your course and make that available for sale (perhaps selectively via a catalogue that is only visible to users who failed, managed by groups)...this way you could maintain both records and still have them pay for the 2nd course.

Hopefully that tracking of multiple attempts includes the ability to re-purchase access into a course!
