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Score of users who completed the course are deleted after selecting the newly uploaded scorm package

  • 4 December 2023
  • 1 reply

Due to the fact that there was an issue in one of our Scorm Packages, we needed to upload a new version. After doing this, we selected the new version within the course itself.

We know that all users that are active working on the course (in progress), will have to start over. For all users that have completed the course, their course learning status will remain the same, but the training material is resettet and scores are deleted.

Is their any way to prevent this from happening, because some of our customers use the score within their reports...

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

we usually keep the old package in place and hide it (unpublished but) so that keeps the completed users’ data in place. you wold only need to communicate to those in progress that they need to start over but you can user the “Send email” option from within the course to do that...
