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I produce my videos via Scorm. The reason I do this, as I build clicks into my training. I.e. click here to access this, click here to go to the next section. etc. The video pauses until they click

I believe the Docebo player does not support these options, it just plays through the clicks. 

For the Scorm, I noticed that I can have the video playing as I have another Tab open or something over top of it. So, its just playing in the background. 

I like the way the Docebo player stops the video if you navigate away from it.



  1. Are my assumptions about the Docebo player correct? i.e. it will ignor the pause and clicks?
  2. Does anyone know a way to configure scorm, so that if a user navigates away from it, it will stop the video from running in the background?



You are right about question #1 - The video player does not support clicks or interactions because it is playing an MP4.  At least at this time, I am not aware of the player supporting this type of interaction. 

For #2 - I can’t think of anything off the top of my head that would do that.  There might be some other clever folks out there who might have figured this out. 
