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Good day all, 

Have been looking at Skills Management with the intent to use it soon but am thinking there is an obvious gap (or perhaps I’m looking in the right place) when it comes to reporting

Does anyone know if there is a way to report on what skills and levels users have self-identified? We are thinking of using this as something close to competency assessments but without reporting and progress tracking/tracing, it won’t be useful.

Wondering if anyone is actively using Skills and what your experience is like

  • Any tips and best practices to share?
  • What feedback have you received from users?
  • How are you managing/tracking user input vs. what skills you attach to courses & assets and how do you know if user training is making any difference to enhance a user’s skillset?
  • What gaps are you seeing?
  • What, if any, improvements would you like to see to this product? (I know custom skills is top of list for many)

I appreciate your feedback and comments. Thank you.

Hello @lrnlab - I’m Marco. First off thanks for all your contributions to the community, we've seen you around. 


For the first release of Skills we haven’t built Admin reports, but  you can get some details about your user’s skills in the following way:


From the Skills Management area you can click “Skill Catalog” you can see the list of skills with all the users that selected that skill. Clicking on the users number the list of users with their evaluation level is shown.

The same can be done also from the skill list within each set.

From the user management area you can also click on “Reset Skills Profile” you will see a confirmation window showing the user skills (but don’t confirm the reset action if you don’t want to do it) 


Why aren't there any Admin Reports? From the start, skills was meant to be focused on the user, to help them, so it's a very user driven implementation and therefore not very heavy on the admin/reporting side. 


Currently we are working to improve the Manager and Learner experience, new dashboards are under development during  these days and let me anticipate the main functionalities of these.


Managers will have consolidated data by Skills (so what are the skills mostly requested in his team, the average level and how is this level evolving, etc) and detailed data by individual users (How their skills improved during time, how many trainings were done for each individual skill, etc).
We want to simplify the Manager-Learner interaction about skills, so we will allow Managers to perform action, for example,  “nudge” (positive reinforcement) a team member, suggest an additional skills or to invest more in improving an already selected one.
And if the manager has a different opinion about the user rating for a skill? he can give his rating suggestion to the user. 


User also will have a dashboard with all the feedbacks received from the Manager, suggested content, and data about the evolution of his skills knowledge during the time (a simplified version of this learner skills dashboard will be visible also to SuperAdmins and Power Users) 


We will start the analysis for Admin reports following the finalization of this Manager/Learner area, what could be useful for you in terms of report?


HI @Marco.T thanks very much for this additional information...sounds like you are on the right track from my perspective…

While it’s difficult to say what exactly we would like to see in report without actually seeing what you will be making available to users and managers online, I think that from admin/reporting perspective, we would like to see a simple list of skills the user us working on and their progression over time...perhaps what courses contributed to what skills enhancements and where those skills were demonstrated (perhaps linked to an Observation Checklist report of some kind).

We would ideally like to use Skills to offer a competency style learning approach so users need to be able to see a point where the started (the initial self-assessment) vs. where they are today vs. where they’d like to be in the future…

Does this makes sense? I’d be happy to have a deeper conversation with you on the topic is you have any additional questions/comments.



I’d be happy to have a deeper conversation with you on the topic is you have any additional questions/comments.


HI Mark

Feedbacks are very useful
Would be great to have a call, to get your vision/ideas, and also we have some sketches of the next steps, feedback on these will be appreciated too. 

Please contact you Customer Experience Manager to organize the call, on our side I’ll join with our UX Lead Designer.



@Marco.T for sure Marco...allow me some time to get some stakeholder feedback and from there we’ll connect with our CXM to book some time as needed. I appreciate your approach!! Thank you.

I would like this as well just to see what courses are associated with each skill, or to see which courses I have to associate with skills.

I’m late to the party, but I am curious about this.

Right now, my understanding is Docebo skills management is more like suggestion management and doesn’t touch on competency management really at all.

As @lrnlab  noted reporting is limited. Gap analysis is pretty much out since A you can’t create your own “job” , B you can’t directly associate a skill with a job, and C you can’t define when a skill is achieved (this might be covered using certifications instead?)

Am I off base?

Is anyone using Docebo to manage competencies? If so, how are you leveraging the platform to do this?


Hello, I am just following up on this thread and wondered where we are with being able to produce an excel download on Skills (people, level and content)?

@Marco.T  With external content for AI-based channels going away, it would be nice to have the reporting feature on skills management soon.  Our specific case is, our My Skills channel is primarily pulling in external content.  With that going away, we need to focus our efforts on getting skills assigned to courses so that there is still value-add to the My Skills page.  It would be ideal to be able to export the info from the skills management area to do an analysis of where we should focus our efforts.  Right now, I’m manually sorting columns and counting.  We also have no insights into how many unique learners have selected at least one skill.

I also need Admin reporting on Skills management. Currently, I have to go to the Skills Management page at the end of each month to manually record the number of users and number of courses associated with each of our top 100 skills, so that we can track our learners interests and how well we are providing them with content that meets their needs. There is no way for me to export this information from the Skills Management page, which would be sufficient so that I could visualize the data in some other tool. Please consider improving this page, if you cannot provide a report.

@Marco.T Is there any update on this?   Would love to have general level reporting across our enterprise to see if there is improvement.    



Hi, is there any update on this? We really need to be reporting on the skills, supporting ROI. 

Hello @lrnlab - I’m Marco. First off thanks for all your contributions to the community, we've seen you around. 


For the first release of Skills we haven’t built Admin reports, but  you can get some details about your user’s skills in the following way:


From the Skills Management area you can click “Skill Catalog” you can see the list of skills with all the users that selected that skill. Clicking on the users number the list of users with their evaluation level is shown.

The same can be done also from the skill list within each set.

From the user management area you can also click on “Reset Skills Profile” you will see a confirmation window showing the user skills (but don’t confirm the reset action if you don’t want to do it) 


Why aren't there any Admin Reports? From the start, skills was meant to be focused on the user, to help them, so it's a very user driven implementation and therefore not very heavy on the admin/reporting side. 


Currently we are working to improve the Manager and Learner experience, new dashboards are under development during  these days and let me anticipate the main functionalities of these.


Managers will have consolidated data by Skills (so what are the skills mostly requested in his team, the average level and how is this level evolving, etc) and detailed data by individual users (How their skills improved during time, how many trainings were done for each individual skill, etc).
We want to simplify the Manager-Learner interaction about skills, so we will allow Managers to perform action, for example,  “nudge” (positive reinforcement) a team member, suggest an additional skills or to invest more in improving an already selected one.
And if the manager has a different opinion about the user rating for a skill? he can give his rating suggestion to the user. 


User also will have a dashboard with all the feedbacks received from the Manager, suggested content, and data about the evolution of his skills knowledge during the time (a simplified version of this learner skills dashboard will be visible also to SuperAdmins and Power Users) 


We will start the analysis for Admin reports following the finalization of this Manager/Learner area, what could be useful for you in terms of report?


Hi @Marco.T - did the Manager and Learner skills dashboards discussed two years ago ever happen? 



@aswartz Some of these things have come to pass, however there are some big gaps. For example I can’t see my line reports, line reports skills. So you can’t look at a large team and see all the skills you have available. As an admin I can’t pull out a report that shows the skills and the people that have chosen that skill and their skill level. I also can’t assign skills to anyone. So If our business has for example 10 core skills and we want to see where there are gaps and the skill level I can’t do that. Even If I did there would be no way to report on the outcome.So at the moment we’re looking at using skills outside of Docebo, creating an app or using a form so people can rate their skills on an ongoing basis easily and have that feed back to their team lead. So no content suggestions for us in Docebo. But currently the skills management is just not working for our test groups, to be scaled up to the whole company.


Do you know if skills reporting is included in the new advanced analytics package?   We are working on upgrading to the new package and if this is included in advanced analytics, that would solve some of the reporting issues and needs.


