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Test-Out Questions

  • 25 July 2024
  • 2 replies

Good Morning/Afternoon! 


We are working our way through one of our quarterly compliance pushes. Being that we’re an international organization, we have multiple languages. In our previous LMS, we could create one course with multiple languages included. I know that’s not possible with Docebo, so we’re trying to find work-arounds that could potentially help us out.

We are releasing a compliance push next week that incorporates an option to test out of the full course in five languages. We were able to successfully implement this for our first course we launched since the training was only provided in English. However, we’re coming across a few issues with the next launch. Below are the steps we’ve taken so far: 

  1. Create two separate courses: Test-Out and Full Course
  2. In the full course, we have a SCORM package built out where the user must walk through the entire training, then take a test at the end of the SCORM package. They’re able to select their language within that package, so everything here is good to go. We also have an equivalence set up with a mutual equivalence so if they complete one course, it completes both.
  3. In the test-out, we initially created a single course with each test being a separate language. We then added an “end object marker” for each individual test, and set it up so that if they did not pass the initial test once, they would be required to complete the full course. Here is where our issues lie:
    1. If they complete the course in their selected language, it isn’t clear that they’re not required to complete the other languages. It asks the users to click “next” or go back to the course.
      1. If they choose next, they’re taken to the next language instead of the course showing they’ve completed the course. With the users we’ve had test the course, this has been a big source of confusion for them.
      2.  If they click “go back to course”, they see 1/5 completed in the progress bar, and a banner at the bottom of the player that says “you’ve completed the course,” however, it’s brief and has also caused confusion for the employees who’ve helped us test this feature out. Only when they go out of the course do they notice that the courses have been marked complete. We have set up a widget at the bottom with directions on how to complete the course; however, with testing, it doesn’t appear many people are reading the widget.
      3. The progress bar unfortunately cannot be hidden because the user needs to be able to see the table of contents to choose which language they’d like to complete.
    2. If they fail the test, the above options are also present with the added concern that if they’re bilingual, they’re allowed to take the other tests as well. In our previous LMS, this wasn’t an option. They could take the test-out once, and if they failed the test, they were required to complete the full course. We’re willing to potentially take that risk; however, the above issue still persists.
  4. Because of this, we have also attempted to build a SCORM test. However, if testers fail the test, it is still marking the course as complete. With the equivalence in play, that means the full course is being marked complete as well. 

Does anyone have any experience with this who could help us determine our best course of action here? Test-Outs have become very popular for required compliance training at our company, so we’re hoping to find an amicable solution that will work best for everybody. 

I know we could go the route of creating separate language courses; however, our concern there is still the same. We want our users to determine which language works best for them, so they would have 6 separate courses to choose from instead of 2. 


Thank you for any help and guidance!

Hi @Renee.Robinson

I can appreciate the situation you’re in. I hope you find a solution from this great community of peers!

For topics 3.1 and 3.2, I have a minor suggestion. Could you add a training material after each of your languages, such as a PDF, explaining that they don’t need to take the remainder of the sections?

I’m thinking learners likely hit “Next Lesson” if they don’t see the banner at the bottom saying they’ve completed the course. Adding a quick “You’re done!” page with instructions on how to move forward could make it clearer.

Hope this helps!


This is not my area of expertise, so hopefully someone else will weigh in here. But intuitively I feel like you should be able to get away from the fourth issue (failed SCORM tests being marked as complete) by changing some settings somewhere. Either when publishing the SCORM, adding it to Docebo, or both.

Which authoring tool did you use when creating the SCORM test? How did you configure the reporting options when publishing? Articulate, by way of example, offers:

  • Passed/Incomplete
  • Passed/Failed
  • Completed/Incomplete
  • Completed/Failed

This old thread from Articulate’s E-Learning Heroes community discusses the differences. With the caveat that it can depend a lot on how the LMS interprets them, I suspect Passed/Failed would be the one you want for the test-out…

Then on the Docebo side, I’d check the settings for the SCORM training material:

It sounds like you don’t want them to be able to try again.
See also re: preventing second attempts.

Hopefully I’m onto something here, and if I’m not, with any luck someone else will set me straight and help you find a solution that does work.
