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Hi all!

For the tests, can I set up a waiting period between test attempts without limiting the number of attempts?

From what I can see now, I do not get the option for a waiting period if my maximum number of test attempts is 0 (the setting for unlimited attempts).    Is my option to just make my maximum number of attempts something ridiculously high?

HI @BradEnglish yes that would be your only option as you cannot get to this option any other way. You could set it to 10 or 20...depends on the the difficulty of your test and what you find reasonable.

As an extension of this, I’m hoping there might be a way around what seems to be a terrible implementation of the waiting period setting. So according to the Docebo documenation...

“When this option is selected, the test is suspended for a certain number of hours after users fail it the maximum number of times.”

I thought this had to be just incorrect documentation, but it now appears to be accurate. We set a 1 hour waiting period between attempts, and I’ve just observed users repeating tests immediately after failing, and only being stopped when they reach the maximum limit. What’s the point? The maximum is the maximum, so this setting does nothing and there’s no way to enforce a delay between attempts, without manual administration and resetting. Please tell me there’s something I’m missing.

@gus good catch...I had never fully tested and always assumed it worked the way the explanation was written...If this is the way it works, I agree it’s pretty useless...have you asked support about this? Might be worth logging a ticket to see if it’s a bug or as designed...

Promising news from the gods. I haven’t had a chance to test this yet, but the logic of the two settings makes sense.



I’ve set this up on one of our fairly common courses and will report back once I see how it behaves. 

Promising news from the gods. I haven’t had a chance to test this yet, but the logic of the two settings makes sense.



I’ve set this up on one of our fairly common courses and will report back once I see how it behaves. 

Seriously? talk about confusing for if I understand it correctly, the function on the actual test doesn't work the way it’s described on text Docebo provided so in order to get the work, we can use the Course Max Attempts….had no idea that this setting would actually allow a user who failed a test to take it again….if that is the case, it may have more use than just this specific test case…

Thanks for researching this...I will definitely need to try both options...

Definitely confusing and poorly explained. But I can report that overnight, under minimal testing, it appears to be working as explained by support.

My understanding is:

  • the maximum attempts setting defines how many times a user may attempt the test within each ‘course attempt’
  • the waiting period setting actually relates to being able to re-attempt the course, not the individual test (this ties in to the test prereq setting below it)
  • and then your course maximum number of attempts setting in the course navigation defines how many times you can attempt that test cycle


  • test max attempts 3
  • waiting period 24 hours
  • course max attempts 3

would allow a user to attempt the test up to 3 times (with no delay between attempts), then be forced to wait 24 hours before repeating the cycle of 3 attempts, and the course maximum would allow them to attempt this cycle of 3 tests a maximum of 3 times.

This means that for regular humans we would almost always set the test max attempts to 1, and apply the desired waiting period between, using the course max attempts to define the 3 (or whatever) test attempts we wish to allow the user.

Not exactly sure how this is going to work with my practical programming course which has 6 staged tests where the user needs to pass each stage before continuing to the next. I have a feeling this attempts structure might break under that use case. Lots of testing to do now :(
