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The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism

  • 3 February 2023
  • 6 replies


We have been asked to make the ‘The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism’ provided by HEE available on the LMS as we understand all users need to complete this but we are having issues with the module not recording completion.  Is this something anyone has experience of?  If so how did you deal with this? 

Many thanks for any assistance

6 replies

Can I ask if this is the course you’re having trouble with:

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism - elearning for healthcare (

If so I was in touch with our support team via MHR about this, who have said they’re working on it and are optimistic for a result. Will be in touch in about a week or so hopefully with an udpate.

Userlevel 1

That’s the one!  I’ve added a link to the original post for clarity!  Thanks Alex look forward to your update

Userlevel 5

Hi @neilgartland there are quite a few of us working on this as well. I am trying to start a group to discuss together instead of all the private messages and spread across different posts. 

Please comment on this post to express your interest: 


In the meantime if you PM me I can give you the low down. 

Many thanks,


Userlevel 5

@Alex.Robertshaw can you please also comment on this post? 


So we can share information about this and other healthcare UK matters?


Hi All,

I had the following suggested workarounds which I am undecided about as yet, while Docebo are working on this, that other customers have used: 

  1. One of them created a course with 2 training material: a HTML type of material embedding the e-lfh link (which completes as soon as the material loads in the course player) and another test type of training material with a file upload questions that instructs learners to upload their certificate from e-lfh. So the course only completes when this upload happens.
  2. Another used a similar approach, but they uploaded the e-lfh files as AICC material (which never completes as you know), but added a test type of material with a couple of questions and a declaration confirming that the learner completed the course and they made this the end-object marker, so the course completes when this material is complete.
Userlevel 5

Hi @Alex.Robertshaw yes those are the work arounds I have at the moment as well. Docebo developers are working to solve the issue so hopefully we have a better solution soon.

Could you please comment on this post to indicate your interest in a group for UK Healthcare so we can keep each other updated easier? 

We need 2 more people to express interest to get the group created. 


