Hello Everyone!
I am looking for some help/guidance.
We’d like to use a csv to enroll a number of users into a session and set a validity date that is active from a date and time and active until a date and time.
Now I totally understand what needs to be entered for a Username, Session Code, and level. The field “active until is already there so I know if I want to set the validity period, I have to add the field “active from”. According to the knowledge base article “Enrolling users in courses and sessions using CSV files” those date fields are formatted YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and the default format of the date is UTC. Now I can also add a column for timezone but according to the description of the timezone field in the linked article it doesn't impact the results, see below:
Expressed according to the IANA timezone database (Europe/Rome, etc…). If not specified, the default format is UTC.
This field is optional and for informational purposes only. It does not impact the enrollment start or end dates.
I want a validity period for let’s say, 8/6/2024 from 8AM to 10AM so I entered 2024-08-06 08:00:00 and 2024-08-06 10:00:00 for start and end respectively. When I ran the CSV it assigned the validity period for 8/6/2024 03:00:00 AM to 05:00:00 AM. See attachments for my CSV and picture the enrollment screen of my results
Then after further testing it keeps subtracting 5 hours from my start and end times. I have to add 5 hours to the times I enter for it to be the validity periods I want. So it looks like this 2024-08-06 13:00:00 and 2024-08-06 15:00:00 in order for the validity periods to look like I want them too after CSV upload
Can anyone let me know if there is something we can do so we don’t have to add the 5 hours to the time, which I assume is the adjustment for the IANA timezone which is for us (GMT -5:00) America/Chicago for my particular timezone
I do also know we can enroll everyone then go into enrollments select all the enrolled and then mass edit the enrollment and add a validity time but I was just seeing if we can do it at the CSV upload.