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Is there any way to prevent a user completing courses on their learning plan multiple times in order to be paid multiple times?

How are they completing the courses and how are you tracking them? Just by completions or are you looking at some other data to pay out on?

I believe you could add a test to every course that they can only take once and the learner wouldn’t be able to complete again. It could be an academic honesty disclosure if you didn’t want to bother with an actual test.  You could add to the central repository and then add it to every course in the LP. Depending on how it’s configured you could have the completion of the test follow them between courses. That way they wouldn’t even need to complete it every time but it would still serve the same effect. 

have you trued using the option to limit the number of times a user can access the course? This is found on the Navigation tab:

I used this with the test attempt wait time between attempts and it works well.

thanks @lrnlab, I did think this would be a good solution for courses which are a one off.  What about courses that have a certification attached and therefore will require a Renew Now choice?

When the user selects renew now, and depending on your settings, it should/can reset the course and allow then to start anew
