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Has anyone run into the problem where the Enrollments Sync just hangs up and never stops? This is a problem because we can receive notifications from Docebo for FAILED syncs, but not for syncs that start but never stop. What happens is we realize weeks have gone by that training records are not updated. Then we open Docebo and see that the Enrollments Sync is still in progress. Docebo Support said that we need a Salesforce developer to configure a notification within Salesforce to notify someone that the sync started but never completed.

@jshipley We experience delays in syncs to the Salesforce managed package (mp). They are never consistent and it requires us to manually intervene and resync. We have worked with support over the past year with no resolution to a consistent sync process. Are you still experiencing sync issues to the MP?

It doesnt happen often enough that we have needed to create a Salesforce notification. We do have to manually check it or wait for a ticket to come in saying someone’s training status hasn’t been updated.

@jshipley We were also told by Support that syncs are getting hung up on themselves. Meaning, the first sync doesn’t finish and the clock strikes the next hour and another sync kicks off. We are still waiting on a resolution to this as it affects our downstream processes in Salesforce all the way to our billing. I hope they have a sync loop solution soon.

We have experienced this as well. Today, our contacts sync and our enrollments sync appear to stop working since 8:15 am. If I manually sync enrollments, it works. I have not attempted to manually sync contacts, but I will have to look at it in the morning if nothing has happened. 

@Patty Costley Patty, ours has also stopped syncing with no resolution from support. We have escalated to our rep but have not heard anything since reporting the issue.

@PaulaJarvis when did that start?

@Patty Costley It stopped syncing yesterday morning, same as you. However, we always experience lags in the automated syncing. Some records are missing and appear up to seven days later on the Session Attendance and Enrollment objects. Support Rep suggested that it may have to do with it being a Leap Year since it affected all clients (which was in the back of my mind) and I was told to manually resync today to see if that helps.

Makes some sense, odd thing to cause an issue! I manually resynced enrollments but it never kicked back on the automated process. I have not attempted to manually resync contacts. I opened a ticket and my CSM did tell me that they are aware of and are working on the issue. Fingers crossed for us all! 

@PaulaJarvis I do have a process that I do every week that seems to keep things running smoothly, and it also “seems” to prevent my contacts sync from hanging up. So, we have incremental contact sync running every 8 hours, and enrollments sync running as real time sync. Every monday, I do a manual enrollments sync of the entire week before, even though I had real time enrollments sync always running. It seems to “clean up” some of those stragglers, and ever since I started doing this, I rarely have issues with the contacts sync. The whole problem with these syncs is when the background jobs get “cluttered”, and this process seems to help me “keep the house clean”. About every 6 months I’ll have to run a full sync for contacts, but otherwise it seems to run pretty well. Until yesterday morning. 

@Patty Costley What volume of Users and Enrollments are you syncing in that 8 hour window?


@PaulaJarvis we usually get 2-3k new users (plus catalog assignments) a day. Sometimes more, if we’re onboarding a new agency that is enterprise. Our Salesforce instance also syncs every 8 hours, so it’s not just users we’re syncing. It’s catalog content assignments for all new users which are based on product subscriptions in SF. So, if an existing learner’s organization purchases a new product, they will get that catalog synced in as well once the product subscription goes live. So, our incremental sync for contacts does a lot. We currently have 350,000 learning eligible users. For enrollments, I manually synced from 3 pm yesterday to 3pm today and there were 485. 
