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Hello, I have noticed the following: Every time I upload a new training file in the repository as a new version and assign it to the courses, my player settings are automatically changed to theater mode, both in the starting and viewing modes. Is there any way to prevent this or configure it globally? My courses are supposed to start inline and be viewed inline as well.

Thanks in advance!

Is the view mode set to be inline mode within the repository? My experience is that:

  1. If the “Enable custom view mode for this course” is not set for the object in question then when a new version is pushed to the course the viewer mode setting will simply reflect the setting on the object in the repository.
  2. If “Enable custom view mode for this course” is set , then when a new version is pushed to the course it will be unset and the viewer mode setting will revert to the setting on the object on the repository. 

Note also that when a new version is loaded to the repository the view mode is not changed. So, if the object is set to Theater mode in the repository it will stay this way through version changes unless it is explicitly changed. 



Thank you for your answer. I have checked and see the problem. The setting you mentioned within the repository exists for SCORM, for example, but not for xAPI. However, we work with xAPI. But there is no ‘global’ setting for the viewer in the repository. Unfortunately, it then sets the setting to theatre mode with every new version.
Is there a solution?


Ah! I see the issue. I’m afraid I can’t see a way around that for xAPI. It does seem odd that the view mode settings are not available for xAPI within the repository. Perhaps this is one for the ideas portal when it returns. 

For some of our 3rd party content we have noticed that when the SCORM training materials are saved in the default Theater Mode, the course playback often freezes and does not play correctly. So when we are creating these courses, we need to make sure that the training material is added and put into the Stand-alone Mode(Best Compatibility).


However, if we then add the SCORM file to the Central Repository, the View Mode defaults back to the Theater Mode. This also happens if we make any changes to the file. (We often do not pre-load SCORM files to the Central Repository; rather we add them to the CR from the course. However, we have noticed that if we load SCORM files into the CR, then add them to a course, they default to Theater Mode as well.)


The bottom line is: whether we are loading a new SCORM from this vendor or if we ever make any changes to a course with files from this vendor, we always go back to the training material and make sure that it is set to Stand-alone mode (Best Compatibility). 
