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We have a single user who is not able to proceed in any of his assigned xAPI content. We make our courses in Storyline 360 and export them as xAPI. The slides within the courses are restricted (so they cannot jump ahead). When the user opens the content, the first slide is locked, and the content on that first slide does not load (see screenshot below). 

I logged in as the user, and it’s happening for me as well. I logged in as several other users, and none of them have the issue.

Is there some sort of corruption on this user’s account? I’ve tried multiple things: re-uploading the xAPI content, creating a new version of the content, clearing the user’s course completion, clearing the user’s training content completion, and clearing the cache on several browsers. 

Nothing has fixed it, and I’m out of ideas.  Do you get the same results if you put the current xAPI content into a new course shell? 


Hey @KMallette. The user is not able to load the xAPI content. That first slide (Course Title) should load for them, and then they would be able to proceed through the course from there. I’ve attached screenshots of my publish settings. As far as I can tell, after spot checking other users on the platform, this is the only user who’s experiencing this. 

have you tried just resetting that user all together? seems odd that only 1 user is having this issue.

The solution here was to add an email address to the user’s account. This particular user did not have one associated to them. Per Docebo support, for some reason not having an email account prevents a user from interacting with xAPI content.
