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Users with very high session and time in course numbers

Has anyone experienced users with 1000+ monthly sessions?  The way we understand a session is when a user logs in, and then does an activity within Docebo.  If they did 100 activities during the same login it would still be considered 1 session.


Some of the same users that have had high session counts are also getting very large time in course numbers.  I think I have isolated both being caused by a couple Learning Object types, file and HTML being the most obvious.  For instance we had a user with 8400+ sessions and that also has several courses with 600+ hours of time in course.  Each of these very high time in course courses only contain a file LO.  My thoughts are they opened the LO in a new window which remained opened for most of the month, and then when they went through to close open windows/tabs it counted the entire open time as time in course.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @rchockley from what ui understood when I quizzed support on this, is that the session is opened each time the user accessed content so it is conceivable that they have many sessions for the same course within a period of time. As for session times, yes it is certainly possible that they never closed the course therefore the session time could be artificially inflated.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

@rchockley that scale seems a bit much. - can i ask what are you looking at to figure out that detail (length of session)? my reasoning - some metrics (like course duration) tie themselves back to seconds….

@dklinger Here’s a screenshot, super high sessions in December and a couple courses with 600+ hours of time spent.  Those courses all have a single LO which is a PDF file to download.

