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We have training videos in which we are showing our users how to perform certain actions in our software.  We tell them we would like them to follow along with us by mimicking what we are doing on their second screen.  Unfortunately, when they click on their second screen, the video which we have made stops.  I assume the video believes they have stopped watching, so it stops the video.  Is there any setting that we could use to keep the video playing while the user is working in their second screen?

One option is to upload the video as a file. Users can then download it, and execute the actions and you can request screenshots as an assignment as evidence the user executed the actions. I would partner this with uploading the video to the Channels for access on the platform as well. If you can have the assignment being to watch the video as an asset and still have it supported by screenshots of the executed action.

I’m hopeful someone else has a more direct answer, but this would be my suggestion for a workaround.

Joining @pross’s question - I am facing many complaints from users on this as well… (“if the course is not mandatory, why does it stop?”)

@pross, I found an answer you may not like in the following thread from 2 years ago:

It’s tied to a security setting you likely enabled: “Disable simultaneous access with the same account”. For some reason the implementation of the security feature includes stopping the video as soon as you click anywhere outside the LMS’s active tab, even if there are no other LMS tabs/windows open.
I tested, and disabling the setting will continue playing the video when you move elsewhere on the screen - but then you lose the option to block simultaneous work on the same session...
