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View public catalog courses without registration

  • 31 August 2021
  • 4 replies

Does anyone know if there is a way to allow users to view training material without enrolling? 

I have a public catalog on the login screen, but when you click on the course it requires enrollment which then prompts the user to register. I want people to be able to view these courses without registering...


4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

HI @nichole.chandler the only option we have is to use the DEMO MATERIAL option under the catalogue tab (advanced settings) where you can upload a document that would describe the course; like a syllabus. You cant actually launch the training materials without first being enrolled.

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hey @nichole.chandler !


To echo what @lrnlab said, Demo Material is really the best available option. Docebo’s pricing Model is based on Monthly Active Users (unique users consuming training in a given period), so it is necessary for us to be able to track “which user consumed what training”, and this is done by way of them logging into the system. It sounds like you may have a external training scenario (training customer/partners etc), yes? In some cases, I’ve seen clients built out external web pages with some “sneak peak/teaser” content, if you will (videos, etc), and then link to the Docebo sign in page from that webpage. Just an idea!



Userlevel 5

The only option we found for external visibility within the platform was to embed video content in the description field for a course that is in the public catalog. We didn’t end up implementing this as they were just teaser videos in our case and we went a different route, but no functionality for SCORM/xAPI content, however if you have a video for content that is an option. 


Hi all! 

Following up on this feed to see if there have been any updates for this topic? Is there a way to host a course publicly without having a user have to log-in first to view the content?
