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What drives Learning Plans showing under categories, when you can't assign a category to a LearningPlan

We noticed that we have Learning Plans (LP) showing up under specific categories within the catalog that they are assigned.  Through the LP creation process, there’s no criteria that allows you to associate a category to the LP, yet somehow the LP shows up under categories vs just in the catalog. 

What determines which category the LP populates under?

12 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Jtischler Taking a swag at this … is there a course category that is somehow getting rolled up because it is in the learning plan?


KMallette/Viasat, Inc.

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

@KMallette Nope, chased that theory and the courses in the LP are across multiple categories and the LP only populates under one category not all categories that the courses are in.  Also checked if the category of the first course was the driver, but that was proved untrue as well.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

am guessing it’s all related to the courses in the LP

Userlevel 5
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@paolo.gaioni @Adam Ballhaussen Any insight you may be able to share on this?

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

 @Jtischler this one’s a head scratcher, not gonna lie. Could you please confirm a few things for me?

  1. Do you have the Use Categories Tree option selected under Admin Menu > Advanced Settings > Course Catalog > Catalog Options?
  1. Are the Learning Plans showing up when you filter a catalog by Categories?


  1. Do all of the Learning Plans that are displaying in these categories have Show this learning plan in the course catalog selected under Admin Menu > Learning plans > Learning Plan > Edit > Settings?
  2. Could you please share screenshots of exactly what you’re seeing?
Userlevel 5
Badge +1


@Adam Ballhaussen Yes, the show in catalog is enabled on all of the LP’s.  I think the first point is that there is no method of assigning LP’s to categories or vice versa.  So while an LP can be visible in a catalog, once the categories are used as a filter you would think that no category assignment = no LP in a filtered category.  But there are…

One example is our Values LP’s, there are 5:



When filtering to LP’s in our Values category, only 1 of the LP’s show up:

Only 1 of the courses has a Values category, and its the 4th one in the list.  I could see the first course driving category, but that’s not the case


So in the above example, 5 LP’s which all have Values in the title, only one is pulling to the category.


On a more general note, lets just take a parent category and then look at the children categories:


 I see 4 Values LP’s in the parent Business Skills

Lets move through the children now:



I think the above are a great example of how the LP’s are just kind of randomly showing up across categories without consistency, with the exception of Language development.  That seems aligned the way you would expect.


So back to the question in hand, without the available function to assign a LP to a category, what is driving how the LP’s are populated in them?


Hopefully this helps to paint the picture, looking forward to finding this out!



Userlevel 7
Badge +4

@Jtischler those details are golden. Thank you for sharing! 


I agree with you, this doesn’t seem like intended behavior and I’ve never seen this before. I’m going to tap in our amazing community moderator @elliott.vickrey to help us get to the bottom of this.


Elliott, can you please help us dive deeper into this issue and potentially liaise with support if needed?


James, we’ll get to the bottom of this one way or another!

Userlevel 2

@Adam Ballhaussen  we have logged a support ticket on this also!



Userlevel 7

@Jtischler Thank you so much for bringing this issue to Docebo Community as well as our support team! And thank you @SamBWillans for reaching out to support!

I’m tracking the issue on the support side and will update this thread when there is more information to share.

We really appreciate you making this visible so others in the community can get some clarity on this issue.

Userlevel 2

@elliott.vickrey is there an update on this? We’d like to be able to associate our learning plans to categories and can’t figure out the driver.

Thank you!

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

@leilaishtayeh the feedback from Docebo is that the LP is going to show under any category that is assigned to a contained course.  HOWEVER..  This is UNINTENTIONAL behavior.  The feedback was that intended behavior is supposed to be that LP’s are not  associated with a category!  WHY???  That is beyond me...

Userlevel 7

@Jtischler Thank you for the update, and I understand why you would want this behavior. I highly recommend you visit this Idea post, vote for it, and comment about how this feature would impact you if we were to add it to Learn LMS:

