I have a course that I would like to hide training materials because the material is older. I want to keep the training intact and not disrupt the learning records or really add another course and force the folks that are working with it to need to remember to report on two courses.
Cool...I read up on how to work with hidden training materials and I get this….
Hidden Material
In the Hidden section, you can flag the option to hide the training material from learners enrolled in the course. This may be necessary if the training material is no longer relevant to your training needs. Perhaps your company has modified its training plan, or you've uploaded new content. In these scenarios, deleting the material from your platform means you will delete all of the tracking data, thus changing the data and status of completion for some users. It may be useful to simply hide the material from learners instead.
Additionally, please note that hidden training material will not be counted towards course completion for learners that never saw the material. If you have updated a course's content and hidden a training material, it will only count towards course completion if a user completed it before it was hidden. Otherwise, users that are accessing the course after you hid the material will not need to complete this material before completing the course.
Cool - that sounds good (sorry about the self convo ). What happens for the people that are in progress with those training materials that are hidden? Are they now stuck? I also have the training material wired in such a way that they were locking themselves down after 2 attempts. Do I have to (in a not so perfect order of operations)
- unlock all of the training materials for those folks in progress
- then hide the older materials
- then email those in progress to let them know about the training materials being reset and the newer materials being available