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Hello everyone, I hope someone can assist. I’m not sure if this needs to be created as a course or Learning Plan. I was asked if this can be done.  I have one certification that includes:

9 sessions (M, T, TH -9am - 12) for 3 weeks

Participants needs to submit an Assignment each week.

At the end of the training, they will take a 50-question test.

Thank you


you can add all that content to a single course but you should think about your reporting options when and if you do so...although a learning plan can make each part of the course easier for your users to view you should think about how it all links together.

If you add the final test to the ILT course, you can make that the ‘be-all’ that marks the course as completed when passed. This can help reduce admin work as you wont need to send time tracking attendance and/or assignments…

There are options for scoring options that could help make tracking easier as well...

it all depends on how you prefer to manage the different parts of the course, grading assignments, tests, etc.

hope you find something useful here...

Thank you for the answer @lrnlab . I’ll set it up in the sandbox. For reporting, the instructor had previous training and recorded each attendance, test and assignment per line item to say they are certified. Good call on the test tied to the final ILT. Thank you so much.
