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Does anyone have a suggestion for a Users Transcript that the User can access themselves and even get a hard copy themselves? My client has over 40,000 Users that need to track their progress with the courses they have completed. The dashboard in “My Activities” doesn’t provide all the information they need (nor does it have a download option). I am open suggestions???


The My Activities page has more info than we’re using so we feel it is confusing for customers. We do have it turned on, but only so people can access their certificates after completing a  course. The My  Courses and Learning Plan page is a lot for heavy users and it requires filtering, so we built a custom page and called it My Transcript.  The top widget is the calendar widget that is set to agenda view. It shows the session name, date, and time for any ILTs that you’re enrolled in each month. The 3 widgets at the bottom are all Course and learning plan widgets that are pre filtered to “enrolled,” “in progress,” and “completed.” We think this is an easy way for our customer to see the courses they’ve enrolled, what they’ve started but not finished, then what they’ve finished.  We just pulled out a lot of content to update, so my once heavily build out visual is a little bare right now. 



We have had the same issue with users being able to download a hard copy of their own transcript.  We upvoted all the ideas for this, as well as provided this specific feedback to Docebo since 2018. Especially since a download button is available for Power Users to download the My Activities page for a user, we know the functionality exists.

In terms of a work around, we have done what @steveninfinger has done and provided a page were folks can see their Not started, In progress, and Completed courses.

We also wanted folks to see that listing on the My Activities page, so to by-pass the statistics page of My Activities, we linked just the Courses tab of the My Activities page to our users’ homepage.  This way they don’t have to try and understand what is displayed on the Statistics.  Here is that url:  <<your docebo URL>>>/legacy/lms/index.php%3Fr%3DmyActivities/index%26tab%3Dcourses

You can also link just the instructor-led and webinar tabs as well.  

As far as the issue of downloading that list, we let folks know they can either take a screen shot or download their course certificates from this page.



@Annarose.Peterson for your links to the specific areas of My Activities, do you still have all of the navigation items on the left when you land on one of those pages or do you have those hidden?

We play the hiding game with My Activities - it is a great way to keep the noise down to just what you have implemented.

I do fear a problem though - give this page a few years? And we will be in a corner digging out of the question, have you seen how many courses I need to go through in my courses listing?

I hope there is an idea to update it. My Activities is not one of those things we should need to build out per sae (is my two cents).

 @dklinger, agreed. There are many features we’re not using so that page is confusing. If anyone has another way to access Certificates after completing a course that’d actually allow us to hide My Activities. 

@steveninfinger we have not hidden any of the navigation tabs on the left.  It would be good to hide those tabs though!  We have had to educate our users on how to navigate the My Activities though, as it really is not intuitive.


I just wanted to thank everyone for their suggestions and work arounds. I appreciate the time you have taken to answer me. Cheers Tmuprhy
