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We used to only use the Webinar course type, but recently switched to ILT. In the webinar course type, when a learner was waitlisted, their thumbnail said “Waiting User”. Maybe we changed something in the localization tool to make that happen, I can’t remember.


However, now that we are in ILT, all of those users just show “STARTED” on their thumbnail. Users that are enrolled show STARTED too. We have an article explaining that if they see this, they are on the waitlist, but if they see the bottom one they are ENROLLED in the session, but I hoping there is a better way! Please tell me someone out here has a better way for learners to tell they are on the waitlist.


Waitlisted for Session


Enrolled in Session





The course tile should show the waiting status, although we have changed ours through the “Waiting List” key in localization to say “Waiting List/Pending Payment” as this fits how we use the system.


This may help a lot of people:

In the course page itself we’re lucky that there’s a CSS class (course-waiting-list) applied to the course header when you’re in a waitlisted status.  Here’s the code I’ve added to our site and how it looks:

.course-waiting-list:before {
content:'You are on the waitlist for this course';
visibility: visible;
display: block;
background-color: red;
color: white;
font-size: 18px;
padding: 5px;
text-align: center;
top: 2px;
bottom: 2px;


@elamast - thank you so much! The code is super helpful. Two questions about the localization tool change:

  1. Do you have you courses configured in the Advanced Properties to require Admin Approval or Self-Enrollment?


  1. Do you have a screenshot of what you changed in the localization tool? 



@elamast - thank you so much! The code is super helpful. Two questions about the localization tool change:

  1. Do you have you courses configured in the Advanced Properties to require Admin Approval or Self-Enrollment?


Our courses are set up for self-enrollment, and a price is set for most courses in the ecommerce settings.


  1. Do you have a screenshot of what you changed in the localization tool? 

Here you go…


By the way, if you need to change the text of something that isn’t listed in the localization settings, there are some other tricks we can try with CSS, and occasionally JavaScript.

@elamast again, so helpful .. I work with Carol (above)  We’ve updated the banner to alert the user that they are on the waiting list … if the user never makes it into the class and clicks the course tile again later, he/she is taken to the same (outdated) session page with the same waitlist message.  I’m curious if there is a clever way to use CSS to change the banner for these waitlisted folks when the date has passed?  Hopefully this makes sense!!  Thank you! Sallie 

@elamast ... I’m curious if there is a clever way to use CSS to change the banner for these waitlisted folks when the date has passed?

This would not be possible using CSS alone. (Someone please correct me if you know of a way and I’ll buy you an adult beverage.)

If you’re interested in using JavaScript (unsupported by Docebo) and you have a capable programmer, it is possible to determine the session dates, and then do a comparison against today’s date. Based on the outcome of that, you would modify the attributes of the banner to say something different, change its color, etc.  The only ways to inject JavaScript into the system are unsupported because they make use of add-ins intended for other purposes.

I would *really* like to see Docebo give us a supported way to add customer written code, and then I could be a bit more descriptive for how you’d go about it.  😥

Shout out to you @elamast this works great! Thank you.

Shout out to you @elamast this works great! Thank you.

Double vote the appreciation, this is a lovely add on. 

@elamast That waiting list CSS is fantastic.  great job.  can I ask - is there a way you can add something similar for those who are enrolled on a course but not a session?

I’d love a notice at the top that says something like “You are on standby for future dates - we’ll contact you when more are scheduled”

@elamast That waiting list CSS is fantastic.  great job.  can I ask - is there a way you can add something similar for those who are enrolled on a course but not a session?

I’d love a notice at the top that says something like “You are on standby for future dates - we’ll contact you when more are scheduled”

From your message, you are looking more specifically when there’s no sessions scheduled? I ask because is there a message there already you might be able to use the localization tool for a different route.

@Bfarkas correct.  however when i enrol on a course with no dates there is no obvious message on the course page that says what my status is.  There is a bit of text that says


“You have not selected a session yet. Please select one, and click ENROL INTO THIS SESSION.”  but if there are no sessions this is not helpful. 


I like the red bar across the screen too :)

@Bfarkas correct.  however when i enrol on a course with no dates there is no obvious message on the course page that says what my status is.  There is a bit of text that says


“You have not selected a session yet. Please select one, and click ENROL INTO THIS SESSION.”  but if there are no sessions this is not helpful. 


I like the red bar across the screen too :)

Right, so I am wondering if there is a unique identifier for no sessions situation, which would allow it to work there too, thats the luck that got the waiting list to work. That message unfortunately is generic for not enrolled but with sessions, which seems wrong, maybe need to do an Idea for segmenting the two situations/messages which would let the message then be modified in that specific situation.

I don’t see a class that is unique for the situation, but it occurs to me on your question, are you controlling enrollments? If you are then you don’t have the two situations and you could simply update the text that you referenced in the localization tool, and restyle the content in class -  sessions-list ng-star-inserted

which you could make a heavy red bar type of thing out of.

yes definitely work to be done here.  There is another post about people being able to register their interest for a course when its either full or no dates scheduled.  I believed something like a ‘I’m interested in’ button was on the road map.  


Either way it would be good to make it clearer that someone is enrolled on a course but not specifically attached to a session.

@KTJD ah I forgot about that coming down the road, it is under development currently I seem to remember and could change/impact the options here. That text bothers me right now as it is instructing to go enroll in a session when there are no sessions…..user confusing!

also spotted another inconsistency today.  The person who screen is shown below, is actually enrolled on the Neurodiversity course, but is waiting for a space for a specific date. This is is not obvious as mentioned above.  However what is frustrating is that for the course ‘generic reporting tool’ it tells her that she is on a waiting list.  She isnt...this course is set for admin aprroval so she is actually ‘pending’.

Does anyone know how we can change the name from ‘waiting list ‘to ‘pending’.  And could we have ‘waiting for space ’ for those on a waiting list for a session.  And for those not attached to a session, but are enrolled on a course, could it say ‘waiting for dates’.

Is this CSS broken?  The red banner doesnt seem to appear for us anymore


@KTJD - ours is still working, but maybe some of your CSS broke with today’s release? Sometimes CSS gets messed up during our releases.

Where would I go to use that CSS code.

You go to the ‘configure branding look and feel’ area and then add the css code in the ‘custom styles’ section

@KTJD How did you get the “Waiting List” on the Course Tile/Card? What Localization Key? IN what Module? I can’t figure it out!
