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Hello! I am looking for some ideas on the best way to set up learning plans for our new hires. Anyone have any tips/best practices that they can share? I am a new user to Docebo so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance!

@Eliza877 Learning Plans are great until they aren’t. :-)

A couple of things to think about and build into your approach.

  • You can always delete a course from a learning plan.
  • You can always update a course from a learning plan.
  • If you need to ADD a course to a learning plan, it impacts everyone who PREVIOUSLY completed the learning plan. All of the completed users are automatically enrolled into the new course, making their completion return to “in progress”.
    • This might be OK for your audience. It’s just important to know ahead of time.
  • Reporting can be challenging
    • The Admin > Learning Plan page doesn’t allow much filtering or sorting so it’s sometimes hard to get a visual on where people “are”.
    • The User - Learning Plan report provides information about the individual’s progress in the LP
    • The Learning Plan - Statistics report provides a high-level count of the number of individuals in various stages of completion.

thank you! this is great information to know. 

@Eliza877 - hi there is more to it…but consider these nuances:

  • validity dates support windowed timeframes for learning to be available and you can setup a schedule of notifications related to the time expiring/elapsing.. 
  • That said - for now avoid leveraging validity dates w new hire learning plans to avoid them locking themselves up.
  • literally a learning plan validity dates need to be unlocked at the user level if you use validity dates…it doesn’t scale for you at larger companies
  • a much better approach though is to use the mapping notification from the LP and then other notifications (like the digest) to support regular reminders about learning that is due related to them.
  • use in combination w an integration? groups, enrollment rules, and LPs - you can automate an entire complex onboarding delivery model
  • you can setup course prerequisites and enforce sequencing
  • You can do staggered learning with locking courses to be available based on time
  • Even when you get fancy with them? You cannot establish drip curriculums with them just yet
  • Because of a relatively new feature - you can deliver courses that are “optional”
  • LPs are “flexible completion containers” as @KMallette was suggesting. This is good and can be a challenge based on your use case.
  • LPs seem like they are going to help the next gen certification model to evolve.

thank you very much! I will have to get in and play around with the settings and confirm how our learners are being set up in the system and how these LP’s will be assigned out.


