Skills and certifications

  • 30 April 2021
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Is anyone else mapping skills, languages and external certifications in Docebo? We are using additional field to add more information regarding the learner. We started mapping this for the sales team so they can spot who can work with a customer in a new location. In addition you can alsoplan your next year budget by knowing which certification is about to expire. As always Docebo surprise us with the amount of things you can do.

2 replies

Hi Salvo,

This is a good tip, I also use the location additional field to determine mappings between users and create appropriate groups.

Hi All - we love Docebo’s Certification & Retraining app which allows you to create certification programs quickly and is very user friendly.

For those of you who are curious and don’t have it activated, please login to your platform as the Super Admin and from the gear icon select the Apps & Features item in your menu.  Find the App in the list by selecting the Additional Features tab and then press the Activate App button.  You will be prompted to read a pop up box and subsequently, asked to ‘Activate Now’  - Voila, easy!    

Next step managing Certifications  - simply access the Admin menu and select the Certifications & Retraining section.  From here, you can create unique certifications that includes specific period of validity as well as having visibility to certifications that you have already created.  

Give it a try!  
