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In my organization we are working with Docebo for internal training of our sales team in our product. It´s have been a great sucess and their enhanced knowledge of the various products has been beneficial in upscaling the sales in the interaction with customers = more product knowledge creates more sales. 

We have tought about evolving the platform even more and using the platform for external customers, customers our sales team meets, so they can gain knowledge about the products they are (hopefully) going to buy. My main concern is how we can motivate customers to visit the platform. 

My question is if any in this community has been through that process and has some remarkable success with it and wants to share some thoughts and reflections on how the process could look and how the design of the platform can look. We were thinking about creating different landing pages and so on.

Thanks in advance. 


Good morning @Kritsada Weerathao,

You are asking something that was kind of asked yesterday that I wrote to.

The highlights:

Start with the end in mind. What does the motivated customer look like to you and your organization.

Some strategies include:

  • elective learning to improve their experience with the product(s)
  • directed learning so that a person is “certified” on your product
  • incentivize your learning
  • generate course(s) that centers on a forum interaction to improve the sense of community
    • Dont be shy - take a look at what this community is doing and see how it is growing out as a snapshot of what can be done.
    • Use the platform to deliver an inside track of product improvements and newer products
    • A sense of community for customers helps to drive their engagement with each other….and you can begin to ask more sophisticated questions.

I hope this helps to generate a few ideas.


Hi @Kritsada Weerathao we use a version of this with the Extended Enterprise model that allows us to build and configure sub domains. The sub domains are great as they allow you to control who has access, what they can see as well as custom ie the entire learner experience. Each sub domain can essentially have it own set of rules which comes in very handy when dealing with internal vs. external or customer training.

check this out:

The thoughts above are great! We use it for both internal and external training. Since you’re starting with a relatively blank slate for needs and expectations for an external use case you can tailor what you’re doing to fit the system’s functionality. 

  • I think the biggest thing for getting customers using the LMS is to make sure they know the value of going there because the knowledge gained there will benefit them.
  • Depending on the resources you have available will dictate the types of courses you’ll want to provide (elearning videos and/or live ILTs).
  • Start small and let it grow
  • Use the gamification features to pull people in and keep them coming back to engage with the system.  
  • Will this training be for free or has a cost associated? Cost will add many complexities.
  • Offer a reoccurring product certification/test. Allows people to work toward something, show what they know, they’ll share this achievement on social media therefore promoting your company for you. We worked to get our certifications to mean something in the non-profit industry (our customers) so orgs list the preference for having a certification in our products when post job opportunities, and for users to list it on their resume to make them more marketable. 
