
Download recording from session

  • 27 December 2021
  • 3 replies


We want to download a recording from a back-dated session. Is it possible?


We want to create e-learning versions of some courses so we need to download the videos - unfortunately, we don't have the list of trainers who actually scheduled these so we can't ask for the recordings from them. Can someone help? Please

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @sajeesbasha you might be able to download it if you open the developer panel (usually F12 on tour keyboard) while on the page that contains the link/button to launch the recording. You might need to dig into the code a bt to find the link but it should show you the source link and you can download it from there.


@lrnlab Thank you so much for always answering my questions. 


I tried accessing the developer panel but not sure how or where to locate the video source URL (not a techy or coder  :disappointed_relieved: ) - can you shed more light here? Sorry for asking to many things but I would really appreciate your help and it will be helpful for others too. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

It’s a little difficult to explain but perhaps this site can help you figure it out:
