Docebo Community Check-In – Friday, April 30th 2021

  • 30 April 2021
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi everyone, happy Friday! 🎉


As our first full week as a community comes to a close, I wanted to share another update with you all. We have hit some incredible milestones within our first week that I want us to celebrate together! Here are a few of the things that have me dancing this Friday morning:


💯 We reached 100 members!

A special shoutout to Docebo’s very own @Ryan Ferguson for being our lucky 100th member


✅ We had our very first “best answer” marked on a question

Kudos to @abartunek for asking a GREAT question in his post (linked below) that sparked some brilliant recommendations and to @shanmcgin for an absolute 🔥answer that’s packed full of helpful ideas. Shannon may still only be a Newcomer rank, but with a best answer under her belt she is coming for you at the top of the leaderboard @Stephanie Dreiling! 🙂




Curious about what “questions” and “best answers” are and why they’re important? Check out this Guide on creating new posts that explains the difference between questions and conversations


💥 We crushed our goal to break 100 contributions (posts + replies) in the first week

Together, we all created a total of 136 posts + replies in just 4 short days for our opening week.


📊📈Show me the stats

While I plan to share these stats on a weekly basis moving forward (looking at the previous M-F), I figure we can take a look at our total numbers since our launch on Tuesday, April 20th to get an idea of where things stand.


Docebo Community Performance Overview
Time Period: 4.20.2021 - 4.29.2021
Total users invited 175 (118 customers, 57 employees)
Total users registered 100
Customers registered 52 (44%)
Employees registered 48 (84%)
Total contributions (posts + replies) 219
% customers with at least 1 contribution 39.22%
% employees with at least 1 contribution 47.92%
# of positive content helpfulness votes 25
# of likes given/received 708



This is incredible! Well done to all of you. I would love to see our % of members with at least 1 contribution continue to go up. If you’re reading this and you have yet to create a post or reply to someone else, I encourage you to do so! Can’t think of anything to say or don’t know who to reply to? We made that part easy. Simply introduce yourself over in our Introduce Yourself thread!



The more we all engage, the more valuable this community will be.


🧮 Here are a few takeaways based on the data:

  • We want to see more customers in here! We’ve moved the needle on the number of customers who were invited and have registered, sitting at 44% now, but I think we can continue to bring that number up!
  • Last week I challenged customers and employees both to try to get to 50% of individuals who have contributed at least one post. Employees have gotten very close, but customers aren’t too far behind! There could still be a badge in the picture if one of these groups can make it over 50%!
  • 708 likes!? WOW there’s a lot of great content in here. Keep those likes coming! We are up to 7.08 likes per registered user. Now just imagine of those were contributions rather than likes! We’ll get there soon enough.


🔼 Level up!


A total of 11 members ranked up over the past week, and an astonishing 5 of you have already made it to Novice III rank! Congrats to the following 5 members who are sitting at the top of this week’s leaderboard:

  • @Stephanie Dreiling (can anyone ever catch her!?)
  • @Salvo
  • @Cindy McElhinney
  • @Swatson
  • @shanmcgin


Thank you all for making this community a better place by being engaged!


Here are a few of my favorite posts from the past week that I think are worth checking out:




🚀 Lastly, We’re inviting more early adopters!

We’ll be introducing another group of early adopters on Monday, May 3rd, so I ask that all of you welcome them with open arms and be ready for an even greater influx of questions and conversations. It’s going to get loud in here! 💬


Why not end this post with another poll for the community? This one is in the spirit of @agilleland’s post about design.

What's your favorite widget to use when designing pages?

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