Hello Docebo Community!!!

  • 24 November 2023
  • 0 replies

Hello all...brand new to the world of Docebo.  Excited to learn about about it...here’s the 411 on me!

  1. What's your name? - Colin Deans

  2. What's your job title and industry? - Manager: Learning & Development for Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO)

  3. How long have you used Docebo? - This is day 1 (eeek)

  4. Where are you located? - Toronto, On.  Canada

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? - Completely unsure!

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? - You know as a professed comic book geek (BTW all in on Marvel...not a fan of DC...I mean how many times do we need to reboot Batman??!?!), this is a difficult question to nail down.  They all have their pros and cons.  Love the superspeed stuff, so I guess it would be the ability to run fast and endlessly without tiring.

  7. What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? - I am an open book, but because I have recently taken it back up, I watch baseball (I was a terrible player), but I loved playing a baseball card game (not to be mistaken with like Topps Baseball cards...although I collected those too), but a card game that replicates the game of baseball as a kid.  I developed one of my own with a standard 52 card deck of playing cards, but I recently picked up a used set that Esso put out and have started playing again.  Fun way to pass the time.

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