Hello, my new friends!

  • 17 May 2021
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 1
  1. My name is Carrie Slayton

  2. I am an L&D Professional working for a local unified government, ACCGov.com

  3. I have been building our platform since November last year.

  4. Located in Athens, GA

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? I love the channels.  Because I subscribe to so many worthwhile newsletters and blogs, that I want to share the info in them with others.  Learning doesn’t have to be formal, sometimes just reading an article is enough to expand  your thinking.  And it takes very little time investment to consume this kind of content.  

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be?  Good question!  As a kid, I always wanted the power that the genie character in “I Dream of Jeannie” had - to FREEZE TIME.  It would be nice to freeze time so I could get more done, without forgoing the experience of doing things myself.  

  7. What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I read tarot cards.

Looking forward to getting to know some of you and all of your amazing ideas!


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

👋  hello @Carrie! It’s great to meet you.


It’s cool to see that you’re in Athens, GA near Docebo’s US HQ! I loved your answer to #5. It made me think of the following quote from Socrates that I saw @cristina_brembilla share in the Introduce Yourself thread:


I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think - Socrates


Sometimes “teaching” is really just finding something that can make someone “think”. I also love your answer to #6. Freezing time would be very helpful. 


You may want to copy and paste this answer in the Introduce Yourself thread so that others are notified that you replied!


Please let me know if there’s anything we can do to help you in the community. I look forward to seeing you around!
