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Hey there, community! đź‘‹


It feels good to be here, right? We are so excited to have you here and to be building this community together. Let's start off by getting to know each other. This is a big community that is going to continue to grow, so I'd love for every new face to reply to this thread and share a bit about themselves.


Here are a few questions to get you started, but feel free to add whatever you'd like in the comments below!

  1. What's your name?

  2. What's your job title and industry?

  3. How long have you used Docebo?

  4. Where are you located?

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature?

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be?

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself?


Once you've introduced yourself in this thread, go create your first post!


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Allow me to kick off the introductions!

  1. What's your name? Adam Ballhaussen

  2. What's your job title and industry? Director of Customer Education, SaaS (Docebo)

  3. How long have you used Docebo? Almost 3 years

  4. Where are you located? The sunny town of Wilmington, NC

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? I always have to show my love to the Question Bank. There are so many features and functions packed into that thing and it has proven to be indispensable for me to manage quizzes, knowledge checks, and exams efficiently. Am I the only one?

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? This question has always been way too hard for me, but I think I’d simply have to go with flight.

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I once made it to the final round of auditions to become a Blue Man in Berlin, Germany but didn’t make the final cut.

On behalf of everyone at Docebo, I and my team welcome you all into this fabulous community! I can’t wait to get to know you all.

  1.  What's your name? Taylor Connelly

  2. What's your job title and industry? Customer Experience Manager, Saas (Docebo)

  3. How long have you used Docebo? Almost 3 years! 

  4. Where are you located? Athens, GA

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? I would have to say the localization tool!

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? This is tough! I would say Teleportation

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? My husbands name is also Taylor and we have the same middle initial (Taylor D Connelly ) Taxes are fun :joy: 

  1. What's your name? Ryan Woods

  2. What's your job title and industry? Course Developer for Docebo University, SaaS (Docebo)

  3. How long have you used Docebo? About a year

  4. Where are you located? Athens, Georgia, home of the University of Georgia 

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? Ooh, that’s a great question! I’m tempted to say the Localization Tool, which can be used not only to supervise translation into different languages, but can also be leveraged to manage branding and specialized terminology in the platform. 

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? Mind-reading. Or maybe just remembering to water the plants and end free trials before I have to pay for subscriptions.

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I know five ancient languages.

Super excited to be here!! Can’t wait to get connected with everyone!  A little about me!!

  1. What's your name? Stephanie Dreiling

  2. What's your job title and industry? Education Director, Heartland Credit Union (Small/Medium size CU in Kansas)

  3. How long have you used Docebo? on year 4 I believe, maybe 3, remembering dates aren’t my thing, and too busy to go look it up at the moment  :wink:

  4. Where are you located? Hutchinson, KS (hour’ish west of Wichita in south central part of the state)

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? Integrations with Teams/Zoom, man that’s  been a game changer and I’ve spoke with a few people lately who haven’t linked their accounts up. 

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? I’d probably go with flight or ability to teleport, I’m not terribly patient but love to travel! 

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I’ve called 911 13 times in life. 

  1.  What's your name? Katharine Hopkins

  2. What's your job title and industry? Customer Experience Specialist, Saas (Docebo)

  3. How long have you used Docebo? One and a half years! 

  4. Where are you located? Athens, GA

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? The creation of custom pages to create a tailored experience for different audiences logging into the platform. 

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? hmmm I think I would choose teleportation

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I used to live in Jackson Hole, WY. It’s where my husband and I met!

Hello fellow Docebo users. Excited to be here. Thanks to @Adam Ballhaussen and the team for making this new community a reality. 

  1. What's your name? Cindy McElhinney

  2. What's your job title and industry? Director of Special Projects at Wings for Kids 

  3. How long have you used Docebo? 2 1/2 years

  4. Where are you located? Beautiful Charleston SC

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature?  We love the integration with Google Drive. We have lots of resources that are managed in Google Drive. This way we can ensure changes to our resources are always up to date in Docebo rather than trying to use PDFs.

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? My superpower would be teleporting. I’d love to just snap my fingers and be anywhere I need to be. Imagine the time you could save in a day! 

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I grew up in the Northeast and had a wicked Boston accent the first 25 years of my life. Now that I’ve lived in New York and Charleston for many years I no longer have any accent, although on occasion you may hear may say “y’all.” :wink:

Looking forward to meeting all of you!

Docebo Community Launch Day!!!!!!

  1. What's your name? Shaune Peebles

  2. What's your job title and industry? Sr. Customer Experience Manager in Docebo

  3. How long have you used Docebo? 3+ years

  4. Where are you located? Treviglio (Italy) and Edmonton (Canada)

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? My Teams and Observation Checklists.

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? Knowledge acquisition like Neo in the Matrix learning Kung-Fu how to fly a helicopter.

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? Some of my colleagues may know this, but I love to DJ. :)

  1. What's your name?  Valerie Mueller

  2. What's your job title and industry? Global LMS Administrator, Teleflex Inc, Medical Device Manufacturer

  3. How long have you used Docebo? 2 years

  4. Where are you located?  Morrisville, NC

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? Logging in as user. Saves me a lot of time trying to diagnose any issues customers might have

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be?  Hmm, thats a tough one, teleportation sounds awesome though . Think of all of the airfare I’d save when visiting family!

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I am a proud organ donor, dog lover and home designer.


  1. What's your name? Sara Tindall

  2. What's your job title and industry? Senior Learning Technologist for Nord Anglia Education. We’re an international schools group for K-12. We’re currently a family of 70+ international schools in over 25 countries.

  3. How long have you used Docebo? We’ve had Docebo since July 2021

  4. Where are you located? I’m based in Oxford, England

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? I’m here to find out!

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? Flight

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? When I was 14 I played a nun in a film made for Holy Week (I grew up in the Philippines.) I used the fee to buy tickets to go to a Bryan Adams concert and got pulled up on stage for the encore.

So excited for Docebo Community launch day!

  1. What's your name? MJ

  2. What's your job title and industry? Customer Experience Specialist

  3. How long have you used Docebo? 1-2 years

  4. Where are you located? Athens, GA

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? Public catalogs and custom pages -- so great to be able to showcase your platform to potential registrants!

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? Slow down time so I could pack 2x as much info into my brain in the same span of time ⌚️

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I was born and raised in the United Kingdom

  1. What's your name? Jordyn Tavares

  2. What's your job title and industry? Content and Program Specialist, SaaS (Docebo)

  3. How long have you used Docebo? A year and some change

  4. Where are you located? Athens, Georgia

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? Pages! The idea that any user can log in to their learning platform, and see a totally curated home page is so valuable. Not to mention, using pages as a destination for learning topics where we feature a topic and include every resource/course that will help reinforce it.

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? Teleporting. Skip rush hour traffic? Yes please. Trip across the world without a 30 hour flight? Sign me up! 

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I’ve lived in 8 different states across the US (so far). 

  1. What's your name? Allison (Allie) Martin

  2. What's your job title and industry? I am a Customer Experience Manager at Docebo

  3. How long have you used Docebo? 3+Years

  4. Where are you located? The great city of Athens, Georgia

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? My Teams

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? Flight, I would want to fly everywhere!

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I leave drawers and cabinet doors open in the kitchen when I am cooking!

  1.  What's your name? Devan Zwygart

  2. What's your job title and industry? Product Manager, Zynex Medical, Medical Device Manufacturer and Disributor

  3. How long have you used Docebo? Around 2 years

  4. Where are you located? Denver, CO

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? Custom pages, specifically custom content boxes where the platform can be much more than a LMS. We use the platform as a one-stop-shop for our Sales teams where they receive their learning on top of so much more. 

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? Definitely would have to be teleportation for more vacations and getting to meetings on time :joy:

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I’ve been to around 40+ US States so far, with the goal being all 50 soon!

  1. What's your name? Jeanne Marie Kachidurian

  2. What's your job title and industry? Primary LMS Admin at Axway, a global infrastructure software publisher

  3. How long have you used Docebo? We launched Docebo on April 1, 2020

  4. Where are you located? Phoenix, AZ

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? The Central Repository saves us tons of time on updating content that might be used in several courses and learning plans.

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? It’s a toss-up for me between flight and teleportation. I love the speed of teleportation but the sensation of flight.

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I have lived in 6 states across the US.  I keep moving west and south to avoid the cold and dreary weather.  I think I may have gone as far as I can go and stay in the country.

  1. What's your name? Mark Di Biase

  2. What's your job title and industry? Financial, Banking, Credit Unions

  3. How long have you used Docebo? almost 3 years

  4. Where are you located? Montreal, Canada

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? Observation Checklist ( but glad to see much improvements to Skills, Coach & Share, etc. that all fit nicely together

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? mind-reader

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? 

  1. What's your name? Salvo Baglieri

  2. What's your job title and industry? Head of L&D (IT organisation)

  3. How long have you used Docebo? 2 years 

  4. Where are you located? London

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? Custom page/ widgets

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be?  Mind reader 

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I have lots of little pets. Below is one of 10


  1. What's your name? Adam Dark

  2. What's your job title and industry? CXM (SaaS - Docebo)

  3. How long have you used Docebo? 2 ½ years

  4. Where are you located? Jefferson GA (north of Athens GA, Go Dawgs!)

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? The Observation Checklist, especially now that it is available as a LO.

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? I’ll take an Iron Man suit.

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I broke my jaw in a trampoline accident when I was a teenager.

  1. What's your name? Brandon Rupert

  2. What's your job title and industry? Manager, Learning and Engagement, Contract Food Service

  3. How long have you used Docebo? 2.5 Years

  4. Where are you located? Meridian, Idaho

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? “Days of validity”, super nice when it comes to automatic assignments and due dates.

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? To be able to control time, there just aren’t enough hours in a day!

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? Both my parents were born deaf, but i was born hearing and am fluent in ASL  (American Sign Language)

  1. What's your name? Annarose Peterson

  2. What's your job title and industry?  Sr. Learning Architect, Healthcare Solutions

  3. How long have you used Docebo? 3 Years

  4. Where are you located? Tucson, Arizona, USA

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? The localization tool.  

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? telekinesis

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I roller skate on bike trails almost every day (so far in 2021, I have skated 469 miles).

Welcome everyone to the Docebo Community - very excited to have you on board and looking forward to sharing ideas and learning from all of you!

  1. What's your name? Jennie Dinh

  2. What's your job title and industry? Customer Experience Manager at Docebo

  3. How long have you used Docebo? 1 year

  4. Where are you located? Toronto - originally from Montréal

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? The localization tool

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? The ability to alter time

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I associate colours with numbers - it’s something called synesthesia

  1. What's your name? Jon Sam

  2. What's your job title and industry? Semiconductor Industry

  3. How long have you used Docebo? 1 year

  4. Where are you located? Wilmington, MA USA

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? Not sure yet, will keep you posted.

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be?

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself?

  1. What's your name? Simon 

  2. What's your job title and industry? Operations Director - Coaching and Mentoring

  3. How long have you used Docebo? 2 months

  4. Where are you located? United Kingdom

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? Manage pages/custom widgets

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? Time Travel

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I was a shepherd in New Zealand

So happy to be here!

  1. What's your name? Dan 

  2. What's your job title and industry? LMS Analyst, SaaS/telecom

  3. How long have you used Docebo? Over a year

  4. Where are you located? Seattle, WA

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? Managers & Teams!

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? The ability to fly - can’t keep me down!

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I’m a concert violinist (on sabbatical ;-))

Hey everyone! Happy to be here with you all

  1. What's your name? Ryan Searle

  2. What's your job title and industry? Product Manager, SaaS (Docebo)

  3. How long have you used Docebo? 2 years!

  4. Where are you located? Toronto :flag_ca:

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? I’m a bit of a nerd, so I’m going to go with Webhooks. Using things that happen in Docebo to kick off workflows or experiences in external systems is really cool.

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? I’m going to have to join @Cindy McElhinney and a few others on this one and go with teleportation. I’m sure I’m not the only one who would love to escape to a beach right now :palm_tree:

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I recently took up wood-working as a hobby. My first project was a live edge coffee table!

Hi all! I’m excited to be a part of this community. I think it will be a very powerful tool for us!:muscle:

  1. What's your name? Ginger Gregory

  2. What's your job title and industry? Instructional Design & Training Specialist

  3. How long have you used Docebo? 5 + years

  4. Where are you located? Oxford, Mississippi

  5. In your opinion, what is the most underrated Docebo feature? I have to say Additional Fields. Man...those things are powerful if you know who to apply them.

  6. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? I’d like to be invisible - knowledge is power. :grin:

  7. (optional) What’s an interesting yet little-known fact about yourself? I never know how to answer these questions. 
