🏆 October 2022: Week 1 Results

  • 11 October 2022
  • 1 reply
🏆 October 2022: Week 1 Results
Userlevel 7
Badge +1

These results are from the week of October 3-7.


It’s officially October! Take a look at who landed a spot in the top 5, how many new members joined and how many levelled up! 


:checkered_flag: Top 5 Leaderboard:

  Member Weekly Points
1 @Bfarkas 925
2 @lrodman 243
3 @gstager 161
4 @lrnlab        158
5 @liza2022 🆕   65


Congratulations to last week’s top 5! Welcome back to the leaderboard @lrodman and a very warm welcome to @liza2022 who secured her very first top 5 appearance 🎉


:wave: Welcome to our newest members

We said hello to 38 new members last week. We hope you are all enjoying your first week in Docebo Community! Shoutout to @altheapalo and @Zeke for taking a minute to introduce themselves. Also, are you all keeping your 👀 on our total member count? We’re very close to hitting our next milestone, 4000 members!!


:trophy: Levelling Up

It was a great week for level ups as we had 23 members move up in their ranks! Check them out ⬇⬇


NEW Rank (15) 👉 Novice 👉 Contributor 👉 Influencer















@Baskaran venugopal

Contributor     @ltimm


Within Rank (8) I 👉 II II 👉 III I 👉 III








Contributor   @Johfra  



Congrats, we hope you are enjoying the view from your new ranks!

🗣 We’ve got a few more shoutouts:

  • @jasong @altheapalo and @paganm all ranked up in their very first week
  • @goto skipped right past Novice I into Novice II
  • two members accepted the challenge I put out last week, @liza2022 ranked up for a second week in a row and @Johfra for a third!


Who will make their way into the top 5 and/or level up in their rank this week? The friendly competition is on ⏳


 P.S. Don’t forget to register for tomorrow’s webinar! 👇👇👇





For all our new members (or anyone in need of a refresher), if you aren’t sure what it takes to level up check out this post that explains points and badges in the community


[Last week’s results: September 2022: Week 4

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Welcome @liza2022 ! Been great seeing you dive into the api!
