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When we open a ticket with Docebo, sometimes our issues need to be reviewed by a Senior Resource.  This is great except, once it is in the hands of a Senior Resource, there is no visibility to what is actually happening on our tickets.  We don’t know if there are tasks associated with the ticket, or if anyone has been actively working on our issues.

So the customer who opened the ticket has to bug the support person who picked up the ticket for updates.  The support person then has to reach out to who ever else, wait for a response, then when they have time, respond back to the customer.  This is time consuming and can allow for mistakes when relaying information.

It would be nice to be able to review if there is any activity, for example tasks, notes or if other departments have to assist. This way we are not having to constantly request updates from the support staff that has picked up our tickets.  


We were literally asking about this on our call with our Tier 2 person today.

Can I upvote this a thousand times?! It has been a major source of frustration.

Hello @Annarose.Peterson  and all, 

Thank you for sharing this candid feedback around our Support services.

We are constantly evolving and our customer’s ideas and feedback help us move in a positive direction. We don’t like to hear that our current escalation process isn’t meeting our customer’s standards.

Over the past few months, we have worked to eliminate as many automated responses as possible to ensure we are giving our customers real, tangible updates.

We still have more work to do but our mission is to ensure that even when another resource or team gets involved, our customers remain in the loop by receiving a direct  message from our team.

Thank you again for your feedback.

It helps us pinpoint where we still have challenges and opportunities.
