🏆 Weekly Leaderboard Results [Jan 10-14]

  • 18 January 2022
  • 1 reply
🏆 Weekly Leaderboard Results [Jan 10-14]
Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Last week was a close race to the finish :race_car: . Check out who made it into the top 5 as well as all those we welcomed and those that took their rank to the next level :chart_with_upwards_trend: . Plus, I have a question for you about these weekly leaderboard updates and look forward to seeing your responses:point_down::point_down:


:checkered_flag:The top 5 from the leaderboard last week were:

  1. @lrnlab
  2. @alekwo
  3. @gstager
  4. @Annarose.Peterson
  5. @Stephen.Barton :new:

It was so close, just a few points separated #1 and #2 with @lrnlab  just squeaking by @alekwo! We’re happy to see @gstager and @Annarose.Peterson back in the leaderboard as well. And it was the first top 5 finish for @Stephen.Barton. Congrats!! :clap:


:wave: Welcome to our newest members

We welcomed 48 new members last week! :speaking_head: Shoutout to @Jeremy.Davies who took a moment to introduce himself. He let us know he’s in the midst of implementation, so if you have any wise words, helpful advice or just want to provide some community encouragement, take a minute to post a reply! 


:trophy: Leveling Up

Leveling up is an important accomplishment that deserves special recognition as it is a result of active participation in the community :blue_heart: . Last week, we saw 10 members take their ranks to the next level!


@stacyroderick  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@ErorrMsg  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@vikkin  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@jli  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@lisa.schneer - Novice I  :point_right: Novice II 

@KatieD  - Novice I  :point_right: Novice II 

@martiniwinski  - Novice II  :point_right: Novice III 

@Stephen.Barton  - Contributor I  :point_right:  Contributor III  

@lhubbard  - Contributor I  :point_right:  Contributor III 

@Chelsy Koshy  -  Contributor III  :point_right: Helper I 


:tada: Congrats and a big thank you to each of you for continuing to help make this community what it is today! Also, need an extra shoutout for :loudspeaker:@lisa.schneer @martiniwinski  @Stephen.Barton and @lhubbard for ranking up for a 2nd consecutive week. Who will keep the streak alive? Can anyone beat @gstager‘s incredible streak of 6 in a row!? 


Let’s see who makes it into the leaderboard and takes their rank to the next level this week. It could be YOU! :slight_smile:


For all our new members (or anyone in need of a refresher), check out this post that explains points and badges in the community!

Do you aspire to level up in your rank?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

@gstager 6 weeks in a row of leveling up!? You’re on fire! 🔥 


@Jeremy.Davies welcome to the community and good luck throughout your implementation! You’re in the right place if you have any questions. As you can tell by this post, we have no shortage of folks willing to help you out.


@Stephen.Barton welcome to the top 5 club, my friend! 


@Chelsy Koshy you’re a part of an extremely exclusive and distinguished group in the community as less than 1% of our members have achieved a rank of Helper or higher.


Thank you all!
