🏆 Weekly Leaderboard Results [Jan 3-7]

  • 10 January 2022
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🏆  Weekly Leaderboard Results [Jan 3-7]
Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Happy New Year Docebo Community :blue_heart:

The very last week of 2021 was a quiet one. We had 11 new members join and only one member level up (congrats to @danwinter for moving from Novice III into Contributor I before 2022!!).

We also saw some new names in our top 5 leaderboard from Dec 25-31 :raised_hands: , check them out:

  1. @Bart_at_Yamaha Motor :new:
  2. @alekwo 
  3. @BHDan :new:
  4. @hilary.krottgonzales :new:
  5. @CDoerger :new:

Way to end the year with a top spot everyone!



Now, let’s take a look at last week’s action :relaxed:

:checkered_flag:The top 5 from the leaderboard last week were:

  1. @lrnlab 
  2. @Swatson  :new: 
  3. @sjennings78 
  4. @JZenker 
  5. @alekwo 

Our very first community Hero 🦸 , @lrnlab, made it back into the top spot last week! In close second was @Swatson with their very first appearance in the top 5 (since we started the leaderboard updates back in August). Great job claiming a top 5 finish in the first week of 2022! :medal:


:wave: Welcome to our newest members

What a way to start the New Year! Last week we said hello to 58 new members. In case you haven’t noticed, we are currently only 52 members away from :two::zero::zero::zero::man_dancing: . Incredible, right!? Thanks to all of you for helping make this community what it is today and for continuing to grow with us. Don’t forget to introduce yourself so we can get to know you a little better!


:trophy: Leveling Up

Well, it wasn’t so quiet in this category last week. We saw 28 members move :arrow_up: in their ranks! 


@simonogdon  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@janina.zielecki   - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@Elle  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@jbirri  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@ejacquet  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@lisa.schneer -  Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@joanne.gerard  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@NamrataSingh  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@tbrad64  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@Geoff Robinson  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@Brody40  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@martiniwinski  - Novice I  :point_right: Novice II 

@TaviaRitter  - Novice I  :point_right: Novice II 

@Justin - Novice I  :point_right: Novice II 

@Lena  - Novice I  :point_right: Novice II 

@tancar  - Novice I  :point_right: Novice II 

@sajeesbasha - Novice I  :point_right: Novice II  

@amanda.f - Novice I  :point_right: Novice II  

@JenWadsworth  - Novice II  :point_right: Novice III 

@alex.driggs  - Novice II  :point_right: Novice III 

@Stephen.Barton  - Novice III  :point_right:  Contributor I 

@lhubbard  - Novice III  :point_right:  Contributor I 

@Feenix73  - Novice III  :point_right:  Contributor I 

@abaumgard  - Novice III  :point_right:  Contributor I 

@sjennings78  - Novice III  :point_right:  Contributor III 

@JeanetteMcVeigh  -  Contributor II  :point_right: Contributor III 

@JZenker  -  Helper I  :point_right: Helper II 

@gstager  -  Helper II  :point_right: Helper III 


Congratulations to each of you! Special shoutouts to @sjennings78 for flying right past Contributor I and II and @gstager who has been in the community for 8 weeks and has leveled up in 7 of them!! :clap:


Leading the charge this week is @dklinger with @alekwo not far behind. We’ll also have to keep an eye on @lhubbard who’s sitting in 3rd and is brand new to the top 5 leaderboard. @Bart_at_Yamaha Motor and @Annarose.Peterson have made their way in as well. Who will hold on to their top spot this week? :nerd:


Bring on 2022!


For all our new members (or anyone in need of a refresher), check out this post that explains points and badges in the community!

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